Chapter 7 - Birthday (1)

Start from the beginning

"Because I don't want to." I admitted.

Edward shrugged. "Seems fair enough to me. Anything else ?"

I kept thinking, but nothing came to my mind. "For the rest, I guess it'll come with time." I told him. "Thank you for not killing me and bringing me home."

I undid my seatbelt and grabbed my bag that I had put at my feet.

"Take care of your hand." Edward said.

I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car. "Yes, mom."

As I closed the door, I saw him pull the window down, and leaning on the passenger seat to see me. "Since you don't have your car yet, how about I become your driver tomorrow ?"

As much as this idea was tempting, I didn't want to feel like a burden.

"May I add that I won't take no for an answer ?" he added before I could answer, which made me squint my eyes at him.

"Then why bother asking ?" I asked him.

"By pure courtesy."

I rolled my eyes again, not disliking the idea. "Okay then. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, friend."

I scoffed at him, as he turned the ignition on and started driving away, leaving me on my porch questionning myself about what just happened.

This was one long day.


(2 days later)

I was officially 17.

These were the first words I thought as I woke up. I blasted the happy birthday song in different languages and different remixes while getting ready. It was my dad's day off, so I wasn't surprised when I saw him dancing to my music in the kitchen, while dangerously making breakfast for the both of us.

Suddenly, the portuguese version came on, and that was when we both lost control.

My dad turned off the heat under the scrambled eggs he had been making, and danced with me in the living room. While he was dancing what it seemed to be salsa with the broom he had grabbed from the kitchen, my partner was one of the coat that I grabbed from the hanger. I put it against me, and held one of the arm as if I was really dancing with someone. To be honest, I wasn't really dancing. I was moving and turning around.

When the portuguese remix ended, I stopped the playlist from playing. I would be running late if we kept on going. My dad and I were both panting.

"Wow ! I need to work on my cardio." I commented.

"Happy birthday my precious daughter !" my dad said as he engulfed me in a hug.

"Thanks dad."

"And to think that you used to be so little." he started fake crying.

"And to think that it took you more than a little dance to make you out of breath. You're growing old too." I made fun of him.

"Let go of me." my dad said in his serious voice, pouting like the kid he wasn't anymore.

"Oh come on." I laughed at him, while letting him go.

"I made you breakfast." he told me, and I thanked him. "Do you want me to drop you off at school ?"

I shook my head, with my mouth already full with food. "A friend of mine is picking me up, don't worry."

A Vampire's Love - Edward Cullen (Twilight saga)Where stories live. Discover now