Emi snorted like that was ridiculous, which it was. "Not even, did you know breezy is filthy rich."

"Potato tomato, apple pie, battery acid, and cats..."

"Normal stuff, " Connor said, "uh your siblings went home. They're safe and unharmed. "

"zoooo..." I drawled.

"The zoo animals are fine, " Flora said, "When you calmed them they walked right back into their cages. And the dinosaur—"

"Is perfectly fine, " Emi chimed in, holding up a piggybank.

"Flying pigs, and scary pots, diamond fart and kale eggs."

"She's gone mental! Simone, you said she'd be fine! " Matt sighed.

The doctor rolled her eyes and noted something on her clip board. "Let her rest."

"Okay fine we'll leave, Connor you tell her the plan. "

"What—plan? " I looked to Connor for an answer.

He smiled gingerly and put a hand on my shoulder. "You should rest first. "

"I'm perfectly fine. Promise, now tell me." I sat up and I felt like my brain juices shook. I tried not to let it show but Connor frowned and his grip tightened around my shoulder.

"We, well, Matt's bulldog is sick—kind off, and we decided we were going to take him to the vet and ask around."

"Good plan, " I mumbled, and looked around. "Where's the monkey? "

"We can do that tomorrow, you can rest for now. "

I pulled my blanket off weakly. "I don't want to sleep my head hurts. "

Connor regarded me an emotion I couldn't comprehend flickering in his eyes. He grabbed my wrist before my feet touched the floor. "I don't want you getting hurt."

I looked back at him sleepily. "My brothers put you up to this, didn't they?"

He bristled and dropped my hand. I smiled and was going to say that's alright but he beat me to it. "You're my team mate, of course I'd be worry about you. "

I laughed and pat his back. "Thanks captain. "

But for some odd reason I wanted him to say no. I wanted him to say he did it because he wanted too. Ugh dreams.

I pushed past him to the door. When I opened it, I felt like I was dreaming. If there's one word I could've said when my jaw dropped it was, "expensive". Floor to ceiling gold, chandeliers and pottery and paintings that looked like they cost more than my life. Emi, Matt and Flora sat on a large sofa, where they ate sandwiches from chinaware plates that looked old and expensive, as they watched TV from a humongous TV set.

"Mumble tumble weed and dried chicken biscuits—"

The monkey handed me a sandwich and shook me by the arm. "Stop it, you weird animal child."

I accepted the sandwich and stuffed my face like a drunk idiot. "Hey, can I have your black belt, " I asked the monkey in between bites of the delicious bread and jam.

The monkey seemed to contemplate this. His lips curled but finally he ripped off his black belt from his nurse uniform and handed it to me. I smiled, mouth still full of expensive sandwich, and tied it around my hospital gown.

Connor watched me from the side, frowning and cringing.

"Where's the mutt! " I called, and my other team mates turned to see me in a black belt and hospital gown.

Before any of them could react to my outfit something round came striding down the hallway. It looked like a meat ball, but also a potato.

"Meet Sir Edward the fifth! " Matt announced.

"Of course his name is Edward, " Emi mumbled.

"Mama Matt! " The bulldog exclaimed as he ran (or well attempted to) to Matt.

"He thinks you're his mama, " I whispered to Matt. He didn't seem to hear me because he lifted the pug to his chest, struggling to hug the obese thing.

"Well, I'm gonna be frank because its for his best. He needs to go on a diet," Dr Marda said, a scary smile on her wrinkly face. When I first saw her, I thought she was a zombie scientist who lived with dead animals but she gave me candy and my mushy brain couldn't help but love her.

"You can't be frank, Dr Murder, that's my grandfather," I muttered as I stroked Matt's obese dog.

The vet looked at me funny then cracked a smile. "You kids been doing stuff you shouldn't be doing? "

"Stuff? " I said, "nope! "

"She's a little—" Connor circled his finger beside his head and grinned.

"Anyways, uh Doctor Marda we were hoping you could consult us, " Emi started.

"Oh yeah um, lay off the fatty food. Two meals a day—"

"No uh we mean—you hear of the giant snake attack last week? " Matt asked.

Dr Marda nodded knowingly and took a seat on her stool. "Don't worry about it kids, HIT took in the snake and I hear she's fine. "

"You work for HIT? " Connor said.

"I have my connections. " She smiled. "Why? What's got kids like you five so curious about that incident?"

"Curiosity, " Emi answered. "So uh, these mutations, how do they work? "

"Well mutations have always been around naturally. Everyone has at least a few mutations in them, the least dangerous kinds of courses. Think of mutations as grammar mistakes, you add or remove a word, you reverse the letters in the sentence or you make spelling mistakes, the sentence hardly makes sense, looses meaning or means something else. Think of DNA as the sentences. DNA is the information that our cells use to function. It's quite complex but to put it simply, the dangerous kind are rare. "

"Could we control them or create mutations? "

"Can we cure cancer? " Dr Marda seemed to enjoy talking to us. "We try. Even healers have difficulty in that area. Nature is inevitable. We have 'mutated' a few plants, simple modifications, nothing too disastrous. I haven't heard of any animal experiments, until this. It's more than just injecting a drug into their bodies, this is breaking down the molecular structure of DNA and rearranging it. This person is well versed in the study of biology."

"Why do you think, someone would want to intentionally mutate animals or people? " Flora, who had been sitting quietly beside me and Edward, said.

"Who said anything about it being intentional? " The vet gave an eerie smile and the pug became uneasy, making me uneasy. "Well that's to say that someone said anything about it. Things go wrong in experiments. Test subjects are hurt, most times they die. "

"It was intentional, " I said and I was surprised I could still form coherent sentences. "They hurt innocent children, they made them test subjects. And it was successful. "

The old woman studied me carefully then nodded, like she understood.

"Who... Who do you think is behind this? " Connor asked.

Dr Marda looked fascinated. "Someone who knows their way around a lab, works with animals, someone smart and ambitious, and someone who would cross the boundry of good into evil without batting an eye."

Whoever he was, he most probably worked in the zoo and liked jazz music.

(A/n: this was long and weird and annoying. Also don't take the info on mutations too seriously, I'm no professional 😅)

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