eighteen- a day with edmund

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She smiled sheepishly at the boy as he lurked around the portrait, "Goodnight, Edmund."


Waking Cassie up the next morning, Hermione was confused on why she was so tired. Cassie explained her getting detention after her shower and how she had to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays.

"Are you sure she said during the holidays?" Hermione asked Cassie at breakfast. The carriages were leaving at noon and they wanted to spend time together. "Where are Ron and Harry?"

"Not sure," Hermione said, "I'm sure they're fine. You should tell your brother you're not going to be home for the holidays."

"Oh, you're right!" Cassie said, quickly standing. "I'll be back."

Cassie made her way to the Hufflepuff table, trying to find her brother. They haven't had as many encounters as they hoped for this year, but he was only a year older so they were close. Once she spotted his short hair, she made her way quickly over to him and sat at the open seat next to him.

"Cassie, hey! How's my little sister doing?" Rolf asked her, making the last part more emphasized.

She just rolled her eyes at her brother, "I have bad news. I can't spend holidays at home."

He looked concerned and was about to speak until his friend spoke up, "Didn't you get caught snogging Pevensie by Umbridge?"

Cassie's mouth dropped open, along with her brother's. He quickly turned to her, "You WHAT!"

"No- no I didn't!" she said exasperatedly. "We were both out after hours and we both got detention."

"Oh, thank Merlin. I can't deal with my sister dating a Pevensie- either Pevensie, please don't tell me which one you got caught with." Rolf said, trying to sound jokingly but failing.

She shook her head slowly, "Could you tell mom and dad I send my love and I'll owl their gifts?"

"Sure, we'll miss you this year." he said honestly. "I don't want to keep Hermione waiting, I'll see you after the holidays."

"Bye, bro." she said, shaking his hair slightly as she walked back to Hermione, who was desperately trying to get her attention.

"Mione, what's wrong?" asked Cassie, worryingly.

"Mr Weasley's at St Margos with the Weasleys and Harry, and Dumbledore's invited us both. We've got to go!" Hermione said, standing up and gathering her books.

"I-I can't, Umbridge will kill me for missing her detentions. Merlin, why is she this awful!" Cassie said, sitting down and throwing her hands in her head. "Mione, you go on without me. Make sure they're all okay and send my regards, I'll owl Mr Weasley on my own."

"Are you sure?" asked Hermione. Once she saw Cassie nodding slowly, she gave the girl a sad look. "I'll write you with the news if Dumbledore doesn't, and send everyone my regards. Don't kill yourself before I get back."

Cassie laughed at the last sentence, "Thank you. Now, go on! I assume Dumbledore has a port key in his office waiting for you?" Hermione nodded slowly. "Well what are you waiting for? I love you, I'll see you after the holidays."

The two hugged, and after Hermione whispered 'I love you more' in Cassie's ear, she ran off to grab her trunk.

Most of Cassie's friends were returning home for the holidays, so she decided to head to the library after finishing her meal. Scanning the shelves for a new book, an orange-reddish cover called her eye- The Alchemist. Timothée had told her to read the book, and since it was a short read she grabbed it and sat at an empty table in the back.

The Astronomy Tower- Edmund PevensieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon