two- the ravenclaws

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"Branched out a bit this year, hasn't it?" asked Ron holding back his laugh.

"No kidding." said Harry also laughing.

"D'you reckon the hat has given warnings before?" asked Hermione slightly anxious.

Cassie thought to herself, Dang shoulda listened to the song.

"Yes of course." said Nearly Headless Nick. "The Hat gives a warning whenever-" he soon stopped and gave a finger to his lips and pointed to McGonagall, who was waiting for the chatter to end. She began to call out names. After the last kid, Rose Zeller who was now a Hufflepuff, got sorted, Dumbledore stood to greet them before the feast.

"To the first years, welcome! To our oldies, welcome back! The time for speech making is not now, tuck in!" he announced with a ringing voice.

"Thank Merlin." said Ron as the food appeared. He grabbed the plate of chips and piled them on his plate, being watched wistfully by Nearly Headless Nick.

"What were you saying about the Hat giving warnings?" Hermione asked Nick.

"Oh yes. I've heard the Hat give several warnings before, always when the school was at great danger. The advice is always the same: stand together, be strong from within."

"Great danger? Well I don't know about you guys but I've never experienced great danger before." said Cassie sarcastically, digging into mashed potatoes.

Ron began to laugh, then said, "Ow kunnit nofe skusin danger ifzat?"

"Ron- what?" asked Cassie, holding back her laugh as Ron began vigorously chewing so he could talk more understanding.

"How can it know if the school's in danger if it's a hat?" he asked.

"I daresay it picks up things, living in Dumbledore's office and all." said Nick politely.

"It wants all the houses to be friends?" Harry said, looking at the Slytherin table. "Fat chance."

"Some Slytherins are nice.." mumbled Cassie, loud enough for everyone but Harry to hear.

Nick sent Cassie a warm smile. "You shouldn't take that attitude, Harry. Peaceful cooperation, that's the key. Cassie here has friends in all houses."

"People are afraid to be on her bad side." said Harry angrily.

"I've got to agree with Headless Nick, Cassie's probably the least prejudice person I know." said Hermione, shooting Cassie a smile.

"Anyway." started Nick. "In spite of competitiveness between Gryffindor and Slytherin, I wouldn't seek an argument with the Bloody Baron."

"That's because you're afraid of him." said Ron.

Nick looked baffled at his statement. "I, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, have never been guilty of cowardice in my life! The noble blood that runs in my veins-"

"What blood?" asked Ron, angering the ghost more.

"It's a figure of speech, Weasley!" said Nick, now gliding away to the other end of the table to the Creevey brothers, Colin, and Dennis.

"Nice job, Ron." snapped Hermione.

"That was kind of rude.." said Cassie towards Ron.

"You're just backing him up because he called you popular." barked Ron, silencing the group. They ate in silence until Dumbledore got to his feet once more,

"After engulfing another magnificent feast, I'd like a few moments of your time for some start of term notices." he said. "First years should note that the Forest is out of bounds for students-" he then sent a look at the four friends. "Mr Filch has asked me to remind you magic is not permitted in corridors between classes, nor are a number of things all of which can be found on a list outside of his office.

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