twenty two- infirmary visit

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Cassie had trouble sleeping that night. It may have been the butterflies in her stomach, or the heat on her cheeks, or the feelings she had towards Edmund, but she couldn't fall asleep till later on in the night.

Everyone that went home for the holidays was to return after noon, so Cassie and Edmund could still eat breakfast without the commotion of the other students. After getting ready, they both made their way to breakfast with a little
more jump in their steps and a wider smile on their faces. Edmund got to the Great Hall first, nervously waiting to face Cassie.

He wasn't sure how she took the kiss- it was only on the cheek, he told himself. Constantly over thinking the act, he was disrupted of his thoughts when someone sat next to him.

"Good morning, Ed." said Cassie, trying to fight the smile on her face.

"Good morning, Cass." Edmund said, putting down his fork and knife. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good, I had a lot of fun yesterday." she replied, smiling at the boy who only smirked back.

"So did I." he said, looking nervous. "I hope you're not uncomfortable from last night, that wasn't my intention-"

He noticed the smile on her face increasing, "What?"

"You're really cute." she admitted, trying to prevent her face from looking red. "I don't mind, it was- nice."

"Right," Edmund said, his usual smirk returning to his face, "do you have any plans before the other students return?"

She thought for a moment, "There's a mess in my dorm I should probably clean, if you want we can meet in the library at 10?"

He nodded, knowing she wouldn't accept his help. "Sure, I've got to do something in my dorm, too."

Finishing breakfast, they both went to their own dorms. Edmund didn't really have something to do in his dorm, so he casually sat around until it was 9:50. Looking around the empty library, he noticed a girl sitting in the back with her head rested on the book. Getting a book of his own, he pulled up a chair and sat next to Cassie.

Resting his head on the book, he himself fell asleep as well and the two didn't wake up until they heard their names called.

"Miss Scamander, Mister Pevensie?" asked McGonagall.

"Hm?" said Cassie, rubbing her eyes. "Oh- McGonagall, how can we help you?" She began to tap Edmund's shoulder to wake him up.

"I just wanted to let you two know that everyone arrived ten minutes ago, and Miss Granger is requesting Miss Scamander." said McGonagall, eyeing the two.

"They're back?" asked Cassie excitedly, now turning to Edmund. "Wanna come say hi?"

He shook his head, "Go on without me, I'll catch you later."

"Alright." Cassie replied, "See ya."

Cassie got up and began to walk with McGonagall until she stopped in her tracks, turned back, and went to kiss Edmund's cheek. "Find me later."

He smirked at her confidence, and watched as she lightly waved her hands to shake out the nervousness.

While walking, Cassie felt McGonagall's gaze on her.

"So, you and Mister Pevensie?" she asked.

Cassie jumped, this is why she looked at us like that at meals. "I think so, yeah."

"He is a Slytherin, you know."

Cassie chuckled, "Yeah, I know. He just deserves a chance."

"What will Mister Potter, Weasley, and Miss Granger think?" McGonagall asked, keeping her vision forward.

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