ten- sever ties

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Practice was not going well for the new keeper. Cassie had never seen Peter so angry. She could tell he was trying to contain his anger, but it was very obvious how bad he was at it. To make matters worse, the Slytherins were observing and making as many remarks as they could. They roared with laughter once Angelina was hit in the face with a Quaffle, and her nose was now gushing with blood.

"Here, take this." said Fred, handing her something small and purple from his pocket. Cassie had a feeling she knew what it was.

"All right," called Peter. "Fred, George, go and get your bags and a Bludger. Ron, get up to the goalposts. Harry, release the snitch when I say so. We're going to aim for Ron's goal, if that wasn't obvious."

Peter blew the whistle to alert everyone to begin, and flying in the wind for the first time in a while felt amazing. Cassie could feel the wind-


"WEASLEY- COVER THE MIDDLE POST." said- screaming Peter sternly. "You keep shifting around while watching the players and leaving the posts open- that's gonna cost us."

"Sorry.." apologized Ron, his race as red as a tomato.

"And Angelina what is wrong with your nose bleed??"

"It won't stop!" she yelled back.

Cassie looked at Fred who was going through his pockets. He seemed to have pulled out the same pill from before, and his face was struck with horror.

"We're going to try again." said Peter fiercely.

The play went for two more minutes until the whistle blew again.

"What now??" asked Cassie impatiently. She loved Quidditch and hated anyone who stood in her way of it.

"Angelina." he said blankly. He then pointed in the direction of the chaser who was loosing color in her face and covered in blood. "Twins take her to the hospital wing. Practice is over."

"W-over?" asked Cassie sadly. "But we can still have a go, right?"

"There's no point without Beaters and a Chaser." said Peter angrily. He wasnt the only angry one, though. It seemed as though Harry and Cassie were going to loose their minds from the cancelled practice.

"Can we stay back?" Cassie asked Harry.

"Don't think Ron wants to, I'm gonna head back with him." he said sadly.

"Alright- tell Pevensie I'm going to be out longer?"


Cassie had to get her emotions out somehow. Everyone assumes just because she's popular means she can't have any other emotion than happy, however this was completely wrong. She was stressed from OWLs and homework, but she would never show it- never give people a reason to think she wasn't good enough. The constant idea of being left being, of not being good enough- it ripped her apart, limb by limb. Quidditch was her way to get her emotions out, to play her heart out.

So she played, and shot, and scored, and repeated. Frustration was a constant and confusing battle for Cassie, not knowing if you're sad or angry or both or neither. Knowing you can't do anything about your situation is worse than the situation itself.

After an hour and a half Cassie went to take a quick break and get a water. When she turned back she realized someone was in the crowd- someone with green robes. She quickly identified the figure and gestured for them to meet her near the bottom of the stands.

"Edmund, hey." she said nicely. "What are you doing at Gryffindor's practice?"

"Is it Gryffindor's practice if it's only one player?" he asked jokingly, but when he saw her expression change he placed an arm on her elbow. "W-whats wrong?"

The Astronomy Tower- Edmund PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now