Chapter Thirteen: Where is she?

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Mikasa's PoV

I looked at the clock. six pm. Where the hell is Y/N? Mr Ackerman leaves the classroom at half past six so, surely, she must be heading back now.

"Armin I'm going to go and look for Y/N. She should have been back by now." , "Wait Mikasa, Eren and I want to come as well. We want to make sure she is okay." I looked at them both and they were already wearing their coats. "It's okay Mikasa I'll make sure your meals are still waiting for you when you get back. But, if you can't find her, make sure to report it. It isn't usual for her to take so long and with everything that has happened recently... Just try and find her, alright?" Marco looked at me, worry clear in his eyes. He was right. I knew I should have stuck around for her and made she she really did get back safely. But I won't stop until I find her now. 

I gently put a hand on Marco's shoulder and nodded, "thank you Marco. Please try not to worry, we'll find her. And if we don't, we'll make sure to report it." I spoke before looking at Eren and Armin, nodding. Seconds later, we had exited the dorm room and were walking through the winter coldness, searching for any sign of Y/N.


As we approached Mr Ackerman's classroom, a had a bad feeling in my stomach. A feeling like something was wrong. She should have already finished with Ackerman's lectures or demands. So, the fact we hadn't seen her on the walk to the classroom worried me. 

I knew that Eren and Armin felt the same just by looking at their faces. We should have seen her by now.  So where the hell was she? 

It was only Eren who had the nerve to speak up as we walked towards the classroom. "She'll be fine. I bet she's winding Ackerman up and he'll be cursing her out of that room any second." He spoke with a smile. He was trying to cheer us up but I knew he wasn't sure if he even believed that himself. But, I was happy to stick with that idea until it was proven otherwise. Once we were close enough, I took a soft breath and knocked on Mr Ackerman's door.

"Come in."

I slowly opened the door and the three of us filed into the room, looking into the room that only held Mr Ackerman. I felt my heart drop as I looked around, wanting to be sure she wasn't hiding in the shadows. 

"What do you need?" Mr Ackerman questioned, looking at all three of us with a slightly raised eyebrow. I felt like there was a massive lump in my throat as realisation dawned on me. She was not here. It felt like my mind had started racing. 

'Why isn't she here?'

'Where else could she be?'

'What if someone's taken her?'

'What if she's in real trouble?'

I was only dragged out of my thoughts once Armin replied to the original question. "Have you seen Y/N? She isn't back at the dorm yet and we just thought that maybe she was still talking with you." I watched as Ackerman's eyes grew ever so slightly wide as he listened to Armin. "We finished talking by half four and I told her to go straight back to her dorm." Ackerman explained, slowly raising from his seat.

"She isn't back! Why did you send her back alone after what happened? She wouldn't just go somewhere without letting us know!" I snapped. I'm not proud of it and maybe it was my guilt talking but I needed someone to blame. "You're supposed to take care of us and yet you've let her just go missing! Why on earth would you-", "Mikasa stop it!". Eren called out, gently grabbing my shoulders. "We don't even know what happened and there's no point in blaming each other. 

Ackerman stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Actually, Mikasa is correct. I should have escorted Y/N back to the dorm but she seemed so lost in thought that I allowed her to go alone. We shouldn't jump to conclusions though." he spoke.

He was right... and so was Eren. I couldn't just lash out at everyone else just because I feel guilty that I was not with her. But we can find her. I'm sure of it.

A few seconds later, we all jumped to the sound of glass smashing and something landing on the ground with a THUD. It was then I realised the window had been smashed with a... brick?

"All three of you stay back." Ackerman said, walking towards the broken glass and the brick. He was careful to pick the brick up and taking off a note that had been attached.

All three of us watched impatiently as Mr Ackerman read through the note until his gaze landed on us. "She's been taken." He spoke and looked back at the note. "We have taken your precious wanted. But do not worry, the little scum will end up in a prison cell. Or dead, depending on what our boss wants. She's ours now." He read out the note to us before I could see him thinking. 

He walked over to us and passed me the note before moving over to a cabinet and opening the doors, revealing countless books. "Each of you grab a pile." He spoke, grabbing a pile of books from the cabinet. "That handwriting belongs to someone and we are going to find out who." He spoke.

We all nodded and grabbed a pile of books. We are going to find her. I just know it. 


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