Chapter 52 - The First Day Back At Home

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When the four of them got back home, Yvette grabbed the bag, Janus locked up the car, and Patton opened to door and grabbed the Logan and I guess his crutches as well.

"Mi amor, could you put me down?" Logan asked.

"OH!" Patton said, putting Logan down, he probaly didn't notice that he picked up Logan, "Sorry Lo,"

When the four reached the floor, Janus and Yvette basically dumped everything on the floor, those bags were heavier than they looked and they were lazier than they looked. As the three of them (Logan, Yvette and Janus) waited for Patton to open the door, all was quiet, completely quiet.

The corridor light flickered as Patton fiddled with the keys in his hands, after finding the actual key, he managed to open the door to the apartment.

When Patton finally managed to open the door, Logan let himself into the room. It was virtually the same, apart from the lingering smell of Remus and Roman from a while ago. The sofa was drapped in blankets from the night before that Janus and Patton didn't bother to put away plus a few empty milk cartons on the side.

Following behind him Yvette and Janus brought in Logan's clothes and other things. "Where should we put these?"

"My room, well, heh our room," Patton chuckled as Logan made his way to the sofa, faster than before.

When the two got back, Yvette sat by Logan and lay her head on his shoulder. It'd been a rough few weeks, she'd missed home feeling like home. Before it just felt like an apartment or a home with a piece missing. Just an empty house to her. But even if it was an empty house, it would still feel like home with both her dad's there.

Even as she spoke the words, she couldn't help but feel like she was telling herself it instead, "Welcome home,"

Patting the back on her head and planting a kiss on her forehead, Logan replied, "I'm glad to be back Evie..." He whispered back to her.


Hours passed, Janus and Yvette went to bed at virtually the same time. Though Janus was obviously still awake, reading some books from Logan's bookshelf. Patton and Logan were just downstairs, sitting on the couch.

He'd yearned for this moment for forever, well, what felt like forever. The feeling of Patton's arms around him as he leaned againest his chest, the beating of Patton's heart against his chest as he smelt the familar smell of his soulmate's cologne.

" smell..." Patton mumbled as he rested his head gently on top of Logan's crown.

"I know..." Logan replied.

"Come on smelly," Patton patted Logan's back, shuffling backwards on the sofa, "You're not getting into bed smelling like that," He chuckled, helping Logan sit back up.

Groaning slightly, Logan grabbed his crutches and followed Patton.

"Come on, sit down," Patton told Logan as he ran a bath for him.

Gritting his teeth as he moved with great pain, he plopped himself back onto the toilet seat and just watched Patton. Mentally, Logan put down his guard for the first time in a while, the action of just watching him made Logan's heart sigh comfortably.

Soon, the bath filled with fluffy cloud shaped bubbles that honestly smelt better than Logan did, I don't mean to diss him, but it's the truth. Imagine not bathing or taking a shower for well over a month, you wouldn't smell the best.

"Strip off, you aren't bathing in your clothes," Patton poked Logan chuckling as he felt the water temperature.

"If it's too hot I'll splash you,"

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