Chapter 3 - No one

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Trigger warning: food mention, panic attack, blood.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Patton stirred with a moan as he slapped the alarm clock off of the bedside table as it kept beeping.

"," He grumbled until he found the snooze button.

"Uggg why'd dream about that?" He switched on his light as he covered his eyes with his arm for a few moments.

He begrudgingly climbed out of his bed that he longed to stay in. He went about his day as per usual.

Apart from the things that happened yesterday.

What if he wasn't ready to be a parent? What if he wasn't good at it? What if he was a bad dad? What if she hates me? What if...? What if...? What if....?

He just had to accept things as they were now. He was doing this, and he wasn't going to back out. He was going to be a dad.

He smiled freely at the nice thought. That's all he really wanted to be. With or without his soulmate, he wanted to be a dad. Just like his step dad when he was young, more like dad.

He ate the rest of his porridge and put on his coat, he no longer forgot it after that day. But now it was time to start this day.

But then, he slowly took his coat off. The begining of writing could be seen being written onto his skin.

Tears he'd held back now confidently flowed, he'd waited for this moment for his whole life. The moment she'd write back. The moment his life would change.

The writting was neat and precise, she had really pretty handwriting. I bet it's just as beautiful as her.

It wrote: "Are you alright?"

Logan knew he'd probaly regret writting to Patton. He knew very well it was him, the paragraph yesterday basically confirmed it.

He'd never admit it aloud but he was attracted to this odd individual.

After years of ignoring all of Patton's writting and basically leaving him on the equivalent of read, he now wrote back. For the first time in his life.

A whole 27 years had led up to this moment. Was it good? Or bad? No ones knows. Apart from me, the author.

He had to write back. Throw the idea of being on time for one out of the window.

"I'm alright, how are you?"

He couldn't stop himself from smiling like a dork and crying at the same time. He just felt like he could let everything go.

Logan hesitated as his hand began to shake, dropping the pen as it clattered to the floor. He couldn't do this. He can't. He won't. He's spent so many years avoiding this. And just descided to go back on his values for no reason.

He folded himself into a ball as he slowly collapsed onto the floor. The only arms that could hold him were his own. He laid there. Shaking, crying, terrified. No one came. No one would come. Maybe that wasn't so bad.

"Are you okay?"

Patton saw his soulmates ink begin to smugde with obvious spots where tears must have fallen. He can't do anything to help her. He only just met her and he's already a disappointment.

"I hope you feel better, ily, I gotta go teach,"

That's all he could do.

He put his coat back on and ran all the way to the school.

Just barely making it on time.

The whole class burst into applause at Patton's amazing feat. The first time in his entire teaching career, he had made it in on time. And that, that was amazing.

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