Chapter 15 - Finding The Right Words

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Time skip, 2 days

"Patton, relax will you?"

Roman was chilling on the sofa whilst Patton paced back and forth, mumbling about anything and everything like a mad man. Remus was sitting on the other sofa just chatting with Janus over text and talking about Good Omens and Ineffable Husbands like a normal day, they were thinking of cosplaying as them, you know, like bros do. The only thing that wasn't normal about today was Patton walking back and forth in his apartment like a weirdo.

"No thank you kiddo," Patton said, continuing to pace back and forth.

Roman sighed as he recalled the events leading to what ever mess you would call this, "You can just text him you know?"

"But what would I say?!" Patton gripped the back of the sofa as he looked at Roman. Remus' head perked up as if he wasn't listening to the whole thing.

Remus threw a pillow at Patton, "Take a chill pill before freaking your nipples off,"

Patton took a deep breath in and then out as he regained his composure. He flopped backwards onto the sofa and was now sitting vertically. His glasses began falling off his face whilst simultaneously leaning his head backwards, nearer to the ground.

"How did you do it Roman?" Patton asked raising his head to look at Roman whom was sitting beside him.

Roman stared at him, "I didn't have to Patton," He chuckled, not being able to keep his serious expression, "How does Logan even keep that expression for so long anyway?"

"I don't know..." He gazed up at the ceiling as his mind stumbled over the thought Logan.

Roman snapped his finger in front of Patton face before continuing to speak, "As I said before, you can just text your parents,"

"How do I explain this..?" Patton thought aloud, "I'd just feel guilty not telling them something so important in person, I mean, they're my parents,"

"I understand," Roman said sadly, remembering how flustered he was to tell his parents, but then child services came...he just didn't see it coming, "So you want to write essentially a coming out speech?"

"I guess so," Patton told him, sighing as he sat back up in the seat, now sitting like a normal person.

Roman grabbed his phone out of his pocket on clicked on the notes app to begin writing, "So what would you want to say Padre?" Roman's head turned towards his best friend whom was deep in thought, "Ha that kinda rhymes,"

"It does!" Patton exclaimed without a care in the world.

"Okay, okay let's continue thinking," Roman chuckled, realising they'd almost gotten off of topic, "Do you wanna come out right at the start or like," Roman began making extremely vague hand motions as he tried to get his point across to Patton.

Spoiler alert, the point didn't come across.

"So: 'I have something to tell y'all,'" Patton began reading out the words on the paper, simultaneously writing them as well.

"Y'all," Roman spat out as he let out a belly belting laugh.

Patton shot him a look as he scrippled the word out, "'I have something to tell you guys,' happy?"

Roman nodded as he flung his legs over the arm of the chair, "Then they'll probaly say, 'What is it?'"

"Yep," Patton said popping the p whilst righting the rest of his note.

Roman turned to his side, he looked under Patton's arm as he read the note, "Anything else you want to add?"

In response, Patton shrugged, really, he had no idea what he was doing anymore. Funny right? Either way, this was all they had, but was that so bad? Short and simple is usually pretty good to go with, you know, easy to understand and all that jazz.

"So you gonna call them while Yvette is at Sam's house?" Roman asked as he ignored all social rules and basically flung himself across Patton's lap. Well Patton didn't mind so social rules don't matter with your best friend, mostly anyway.

"Can you stay when I talk to them,"


"Language!" Patton lightly hit Roman's arm before picking up his phone and dialing his parents house phone.

As the phone was answered, Patton put it on speaker so everyone could hear, "Hello? Kiddo is it you?" Patton's step father, Othello, asked into the phone.

"Omg you guys are like the sam-" Patton slapped a hand over Roman's mouth before he could finish that sentence.

"Hey dad, um, can you and mom come over today it's um, important," Patton stuttered as he spoke to the man on the phone.

"Sure kiddo, I'll go tell your mother, see you in a jiffy," Beep. The call was ended and they were all sitting there like ducks.

Roman pulled Patton's hand off of his mouth as he began speaking, "Awwwwww you and you dad are so similar, the kiddo habit runs in the family!" He squealed.

Patton rolled his eyes to the back of his skull before bringing his imagination back to reality, "No, he isn't my biological father, he's my step father but I see how you must have gotten mixed up," He chuckled at the misconception.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Roman dragged out, slightly confused, "You guys are so alike though," He laughed at what he said before.

Patton joined in, effectively ignoring what he was doing today.

"Hey Ro, can Janus come over to our house tomorrow?" Remus asked, removing a waxy earphone from, of course, his ear.

"Sure Re," Roman replied as Remus wiped the earphone with he skirt, wiping off most of the ear wax well.

Time Skip!


"GAH!" Patton quite literally fell out of his seat when the doorbell rang causing the other two to stare at him.

Roman rolled his eyes, walking towards the door he said, "I'll answer it for you Padre,"

Remus shrugged at the two adults whilst now continuing to scroll through content of things he enjoyed. Similarly to the artists he viewed, he also was rather good at art and drew accurate fanart of show characters he enjoyed.

"Oh! Hello?" Veronica raised an eyebrow at Roman when he opened the door to let the pair into the apartment, "Nice to meet you young man," The two visitors took their shoes off as they made their way to the siting room.

Othello visibly cringed as Remus removed his legs to provide room for the adults as he was taking up the entire sofa as he usually did. I would say he was sitting in a rather unlady like manner for someone wearing a skirt, no one needs to know anymore than that.

"So kiddo what is wrong? When I told your mother she was extremely worried," The two interwined their fingers as Othello spoke to Patton.

Patton twiddled his fingers, barely being able to look his parents in the eyes, "I need to tell you something..." He stated, Roman was now sitting next to him like earlier.

"Sweetie, it's alright, take your time," Veronica told him with a rather confused yet comforting expession planted upon her face.

Patton cleared his throat, looking between Roman, his parents and Remus who wasn't really paying attention but put a thumbs up in his own supportive way. Taking a deep breath in he began to speak, "Mom...Dad...Um...I...This is hard....Um..."

"Kiddo, it's okay, like your mother said, take all the time you need," Othello smiled at the younger man whom was stuttering all over his words.

" it off like a bandage Patton," He told himself as Roman gave him an encouraging pat on the back. He looked back at the people whom had raised him and he smiled.

He looked them both in the eyes before saying, "I'm gay," 

End Of Chapter. Cliff hanger, am I right? 1312 Words

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