Chapter 58 - School Fucking Sucks When You Haven't Been For Forever

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Trigger warning: reference to previous injury

First thing Janus was bombarded with as soon as he entered the building was a mob of random kids asking a bunch of stupid questions. He didn't even know these kids. Then again he didn't know any of the kids in his class since he didn't pay attention to them and they didn't notice him.

Which was all and good until today, unfortunately they did pay attention to him making this encounter extremely awkward and unenjoyable as he tried to get through the mob of sweaty teenage kids. You never want to be the quiet kid that everyone secretly thinks is cool. 10 out of 10 would not reccomend.

He was wearing some clothes that Logan and Yvette had picked him up the day before since he had already used the back ups that were already there (they were put in the wash cause they stink). It was a beige cardigan and white button up blouse with some black ripped jeans. Yes he was wearing socks, just miss matched ones because that was the one thing that Logan and Yvette actually forgot that day. Luckily, Patton was the same shoe size as him, he just didn't match up his socks. His ear and neck was still bandaged up but they had healed up more, they'd only open if someone pulled on them or anything like that.Thank god Logan was the one to bandage it.

If you're wondering how he felt coming to school, it was terrible. He didn't want to be here and there was a person he didn't want to see or talk to. Remus probaly already knew he was here from the insane ammount of people he heard talking about him as he walked past. Most just knew him as that kid who never came to school, some knew his name, some just poled fun at the large scars on his face. That wasn't fun for anyone, especially when Remus was around.

He left his phone at home, he didn't want to see any of the messages or nodifications. His phone was basically completely blown up from Demi and Remus. Logan had promised that after work, he'd change his number and delete that man's number so he couldn't contect him. But he was told that Logan would take screenshots for evidence in court and save them on a hard drive.

Pushing through the crowd, Janus clung onto his bag strapped and ignored everyone, and I mean, everyone. Imagine a horde of teenagers: jocks, skateboarders, gays, straights, femmes, mascs, andros, literally like the entire of his grade. I think he was made aloft a few times cause his armpits ached slightly.

Escaping to the bathroom, Janus sat in a stall and collected himself, making sure he wasn't mugged in the process. You can never be too careful with high school students, they are fricking terrifying to be around, even if it's your own grade.

Taking a sip of water that Logan insisted he took, he finally took a breath of fresh air. Well the freshest air he vould breathe in the guys bathroom anyway, it smelt bad to be perfectly honest.

He though nothing of the people coming in and out of the bathroom and the sound of people peeing, maybe a few people shitting in the stalls either sides of him. Pretty disturbing all in all, I would rate the experience 2 out of 5 stars even though I am the author and don't go in the school bathrooms because they are gendered and I am agender. (Just say 'no' to gender kids XD).

When the bell rang, his heart sank down further than it already was, he dreaded this day even though it had just started.

Collecting his things, he put his bag over his back and left to go to his first lesson, english. Luckily he liked english and things like that, a bonus was that the teacher was nice and the catch up work wasn't too harsh. Honestly, she was a dream teacher. We all need a teacher like her.

"Welcome back Janus," She welcomed, basically slapping his shoulder, you wouldn't know she meant it in a nice way if you didn't know her. "Long time no see,"


"Just try and make notes for this lesson and do your catch up work later, if you need help just come here at lunch," Pointing towards some of the class, she whispered, "I'm definitely having people in detention today," that was just an understatement in general.

She ended up having to give 7 people lunch detention by the end of class cause they started a glue war, what's worse is that they didn't have lids on so they stuck to innocent victims head and then go ripped out meaning she had to send the victims to pastoral to get the glue out. They were all feral, not even exaggerating at this point. Fortunately, Janus was no where near the glue zone and left unscathed and with a binder of work to do in his book, oh, and his book.

"Janus?" The voice was one that he recognized too well, and it hurt to hear the slight crack in his voice as he said his name. Ignoring him, Janus continued to walked, hugging the binder tightly.

"Janus? Don't ignore me please!" He pleaded, walking closer and closer to catch up with Janus' speed. Grabbing his shoulder, Remus turned him around to look at him in the eye, but his eyes only looked at the stapple on the floor and not on him.

Gripping onto the other shoulder, Remus loosened his hands. "Please talk to me," Remus begged him, almost like a command. Sighing, Remus brought the teen into his arms and embraced him, Janus' arms still clinging onto the binding as he felt Remus' warm arms slither around his body before gently holding Janus, he could push Remus off him if he wanted to. But he didn't.

Resting his head on Janus' shoulder Remus decided to converse for them both, "I worry about you Jan, you haven't been to school in weeks, then my ear is ripped open and this scar appears on my neck," He referenced to the scar that Janus had got yesterday, he didn't mean to sound mean, but he was concerned, "You've ignored all my texts, you didn't even answer your door," he stated.

"I wasn't at that house," Janus informed him, lifting up his head, definitely because his head was getting uncomfortable being bent down that low.

Remus' hair had grown a bit and his hair was dyed a dark green, like his eyes. He was wearing a purple croptop under a black jacket, his jeans were decent looking and he had on obnoxious octopus belt that he told him not to buy. Under his croptop, he basically wore a long sleeved fish neat shirt that made him look hotter than before. His neon green backback was still a blinding beam of destruction for anyone who stared for too long or even if they glanced for a second. Governments would fear this teenager's backpack and fire missles, maybe a nuke at it which would just make it radiate brighter than it did before.

All in all, he looked the exact way that Janus expected of him. At least that was some comfort for him in this school day.

"Where then?"

"I was at Logan and Patton's house....and I didn't answer your messages because I was being spammed by Demitri." Janus growled when he said that man's name.

Humming back, Remus nodded, satisfied with Janus' answer, "And the scars?" He asked, letting Janus go.

"Take a wild guess," He told him as the school bell went before waving and going to his next class, basically leaving Remus to be late. He was probaly going to skip economics anyways, he always hated that class.

End Of Chapter. 1322 Words.

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