Chapter 81 - At Night

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It was 9pm, everything had been put away and they'd eaten dinner. Janus and Logan had come back with too many plants and most of them had been put in Janus' room with a few scattered around the apartment. However I can confidently say that the bathroom's air has never been crispier.

"Dad?" Yvette called. Both Patton's and Logan's head flicked towards Yvette. They'd been sitting together, rewatching a few of Logan's favourite episodes of Sherlock and just cuddling. Standing in her door frame, the door itself was barely open, Yvette was in her pjyamas and was holding her pillow tightly towards her chest.

Standing up, Patton spoke, "Yes sweetie?" He spoke softly and without judgement as he slowly approached Yvette. "Are you okay Evie?" He asked as Logan watched in complete silence.

"I'm ready to talk now," She simply said, opening the door wider as she went into her room.

Following behind her, Patton simply ignored as Logan tried to get his attention. And by ignored, I mean he didn't see him and he knew he'd try to explain it later. Nodding to himself, Patton turned on the light before closing the door behind himself.

Getting into bed, Yvette tucked herself in as if getting ready to be told a story. Watching as Patton approached, he took a seat on the side of her bed.

Quietly breathing, Yvette nodded to herself, "When you um...adopted me how much did they tell you about me and my mum?" Yvette asked first, hugging her pillow as she rested againest the back of the bed, her hands slightly trembling as she held it tightly.

Breathing in sharply, Patton thought of how to say what he would say, "They told me that her name is Maggie Cisneros and that you were taken away from her and that she was facing time in prision," Patton told her, "I don't know any details, but they said you were a sensitive case," he continued, "Other than that, nothing else,"

Nodding, Yvette confirmed it. "Yes, that's right," she told him, "Would you like to know more?" She asked, twiddling her fingers softly.

Smiling gently, Patton hummed, "Only if you're willing too," Patton held his own hands in his lap as he gave Yvette his full attention. "If not, that's okay too," He asked for confirmation in her descion.

"Maggie Cisneros was a bad woman," Yvette told her dad, "Everybody couldn't tell though, in front of others she was sweeter than you dad," She continued, "But when everyone left, she'd get angry, she'd find the drinks I'd hide and then she'd try and hurt me," she held her own hands.

Shuffling towards her, Patton gazed at her sympathetically, "Did she...ever hurt you?" He asked her.

Shaking her head, "I don't think so," she told him, "She'd get angry at me for no reason and then she'd talk about Him," she crossed her legs as she adjusted her arms, "She never mentioned who He was, I asked her only once,"

Looking back up at Patton, she continued speaking, "She was never home after school, and she'd come back late at night, she didn't even look at me," frowning, she rocked slightly, "I heard other kids talking about their parents at school one day, they talked about how they loved them. That was the first time I'd heard that word,"

"Did you see any other relatives?" Patton questioned, shuffling closer to his daughter and taking her hand gently into his own and holding it tightly.

Shrugging, "Maggie said they were all dead,"

"All of them?"

Confirming, Yvette nodded unsure of herself, "At least that's what she told me," She said. "She told me that she was the only one who would actually keep me around," She shrugged, "I didn't believe her, my friends stayed, Sam stayed, you stayed,"

"Yes, yes we did," Patton agreed. Moving on, Patton remembered something that had happened, "Before they were going to take you away, you said that you didn't want to be taken away from her," he stated tredding carefully.

Shuffling uncomfortably, Yvette got out of Patton's hand and held her own hand. "I didn't want to leave my friends," She told him simply.

Smiling, Patton nodded, "Do you want me to read to you tonight?" Patton suggested to her, drawing his hands away to his own lap. "Have we got through all the Harry Potter books or did we get sidetracked?" He questioned again.

Reaching over to her bedside table, Yvette opened the drawer and pulled out the 5th Harry Potter book. "We got distracted," She told him as she gave him the book. "I haven't read any further," She pointed at the orange bookmark that was placed neatly between a few pages of the book. The two were around a quater through the raggedy book.

Fluffing her own pillow, Yvette put it behind her head, laying down as Patton flicked through the pages to get to the one that they were on last.

"Comfy?" Patton asked as he held the book, one finger on the page that the bookmark had kept.

Nodding, Patton smiled as he looked at the book to read.


Closing the window, Patton drew the curtains across it as Yvette laid in bed; her eyelids visibly struggling to stay open as she watched her dad. Slowly blinking, Yvette yawned silently as Patton went by her side once again.

Tucking her in tightly, Patton smoothed the edge of blanket at the top of her shoulders. Placing a kiss upon her forehead, Patton rubbed it away gently. "Good night Evie," Patton told her.

Her eyes barely staying open, her yawn could be heard from the other side of the room, "Goodnight dad," She muttered tiredly as Patton softly stood up and made his way over to her bedroom door.

Looking back over his shoulder at Yvette, Patton slowly creaked open the door, trying to not to disturb her. "Sweet dreams," he told her, switching her bedroom light off leaving the room in darkness before he left the room, closing her door behind him.

Sighing Patton held the door for a moment as he stared as the small cracks in the wood. Slowly letting go, Patton turned around as his eyes slowly dotted down to where Logan was. He was still sitting in the same spot as when he left to Yvette's room.

A look of unknown sympathy was painted across Logan's face. "Come here," Logan ushered him, holding out his arms to his fiancè as Patton slowly dragged his feet over to the sofa.

Collasping into Logan's arms, Patton felt his hands sink into Logan's back, the warm feeling of being wrapped up closely helped as Patton curled up into Logan's embrace. Resting his head on Patton head, Logan stroked Patton's back gently as he felt Patton's breathing againest his chest.

Breathing gently, Logan felt Patton's hands loosen as he held the man in his arms. Smiling softly, Logan gazed at Patton whom had nestled comfortably into Logan's arms. His eyes were closed and he was completely calm and warm.

Gently leaning back on the sofa, Logan got comfortable himself as he lent againest the arm of the sofa, the pillow softening the edges. Reaching over to the lamp, Logan turned the brightness down along with the volume on the tv. He'd continued watching Sherlock when Patton had left.

Adjusting Patton to be more comfortable on him, the man was like a large blanket to Logan as he kicked up his legs on the sofa, entangling them with Patton's so he wouldn't fall off by accident.

Moving some of Patton's hair out of the way, Logan planted a kiss upon his forehead. "Good night mi amour," he whispered quietly a half smile kept upon his face as he lifted his head to continue to watch Sherlock.

End Of Chapter. 1311 Words.

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