Chapter 42 - Emile Ryusuke

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When Emile found out Logan was in the hospital, the world stopped.

No less than a week ago, it happened.

It was a normal day, Emile was sitting in his garage that was perfectly insulated by approximately 15 blankets on the door covering the iside of the room from the outside world.

Emile was feeding the fish that remained in the corner of his room. He had a few small fish, a cleaner fish and a beta that Logan and him had named 'Lotus'. He'd bothered Logan so often for a name since he couldn't pick between a few of which he doesn't remember and then he suggested that.

Lotus was minding his own business as he slowly chomped on the fish food that Emile was giving them as the other fsih came swimming over quickly. Emile always fed them, they just ate a lot.




Emile's small smile turned inwards as the phone rang in the room. He'd finished giving the fish food.

He skipped over to the seat which was where he'd last seen the phone annnnd it wasn't there. Wonderful.

"Oh stars,"




Out of the corner of his eye he saw the buzzing phone, swiftly, he scrambled over most of his furniture and snatched it from the table, effectively accepting the call before they gave up.


"Is this Emile Ryusuke?" The person on the other line asked.

"Yes it is, what is it?"

"We'd like to inform you that your brother, Logan Lovell has recently been admitted to hospital," They told him.

"WHAT?" He gasped, "I'll be right there, thank you,"

Emile's breath filled the room as he counted to 10. 5 things he sees: his fish, the cloth, the table, his hand and the phone. 4 things he can touch: his phone, his clothes, the beanbag and the table. 3 things he can hear: cars passing by, the fliter and the air flowing through the cloth. 2 things he can smell: left over pizza from last night that he heated up earlier and fresh air. 1 thing he can taste: the lingering taste of reheated pizza.

Taking a breath in and then out, he placed the phone in his pocket, grabbed his jacket and went to close the garage shutter. He was going to see Logan.

Time Skip!

Walking down the corridor, Emile saw so much sorrow around these parts. They reminded him of the many patients from his job as a therapist. Just how many of these people would he eventually see? How many of the people would continue to see the light of the day?

He shook his head from side to side as he reached the ward Logan was in.

The air felt heavier when he breathed in and his hand wouldn't stop shaking as he opened the door to see Logan.

Emile had seen Logan on bad days, but this was a whole nother level of terrifying.

He had tubes coming off him from anywhere, things hooked onto him beeping loudly. Bandages wraped all around his body as he lay there like a corspe.

His knees trembled as he stumbled over to Logan's bedside. Why couldn't he breathe? Why was he crying?

A nurse came in, seemingly to cheak up on Logan.

"He's cold..." Emile mumbled, holding onto Logan's hand. His eyebrows furrowed as tears burrowed in his eyes.

He stood there for a second, before walking over to Logan, ignoring what Emile said and proceeding with his job.

"He's cold," Emile muttered, his face drooping as his smile froze in place as tears slid down those cheeks, "He needs a blanket, he's cold". His breath cut through the sound of the beeping like a blunt knife.

The nurse looked at Emile as he heard the request. He sighed, ignoring Emile again, continuing his job. He didn't look at Emile as he left the room, hearing the words, "He's cold...he needs a blanket," over and over again.

Once again, Emile was alone.

He should be used to it by now.

He clung onto his clothes as his heart felt like it was breaking apart. Each breath felt like a chore as the room collapsed around his mind. The room felt smaller. And smalled. And even smaller. And even smaller...

Emile awoke with a blanket upon himself.

It wasn't warm, it was thin and cold. But he still wrapped it around himself as he looked at the man he considered his brother.

His lungs filled with air as he took in his surroundings. The white light of the room never flickered and there was barely any stains on the walls. Not even a smudge on the window. The empty void of colour wrapped its way around the room as the beeping never ceased.

His head swished side to side, yearning to see another person in the room other than his brother, whom still lay there, completely unconscious. Completely asleep.

Emile rolled down the blanket onto his lap and began to speak, he knew it was probaly pointless, he knew Logan probaly wouldn't hear him, he knew that it didn't matter if he did.

"Heh, it's funny, I don't even remember when I started calling you my brother," Emile swayed slowly, "We aren't even blood related yet I still think of you as my little brother,"

He stroked Logan's knotty hair out of his face before ruffling it gently back into a mess, "I still remember the time when you and Virgil made our room into a literal forest, it was a big suprise bumping into a plant pot and falling face first into dirt," Emile chuckled softly, "Our foster mom made you take them all outside, our backyard was a maze for a while back then,"

"Though, everyday, without fail, you two went out there and tended to them," Emile traced Logan's veins with his thumb as he gazed down, smiling gently at the thought, " I always watched from my window, and every time you found the tools clean, that was me,"

"I didn't want you guys to be working with dirty tools," Emile looked back up to Logan's face, "I don't know why I never told you two,"

"In the end, I guess you were the only one I could tell since Virgil..." Sighing softly, Emile refused to finish the sentence he'd started. "I know you don't want me talking about him of these days you need to talk about it,"

He stood up quietly, picking up the blanket from his lap and slowly draping it over Logan's body, tucking him in with the utmost care. Emile knew that it'd be undone soon by the hospital staff. But he still did it.

"When you wake up, we could visit him, Virgil I mean," Emile told Logan, "I'm sure he's been missing's been what? 10 years since you've seen him?" He sat down with a small thump on the seat.

"I'm sure he'd appreciate you visiting him after all this time, I bet he thinks you've forgotten about him," Emile poked at, "I know you'd never do that though, he meant a lot to you. Even if you two had a little fight before then,"

"I don't know what it was about, but I'm sure enough time has passed since then, I know you miss him, and I know he would miss you," Emile stated, "Maybe next time I'll bring you some plants, maybe you'll wake up to water them?"

He stood up, chuckling at the stupidity of the thought. If only.

"I'll come visit tomorrow with some flowers if work doesn't get in the way,"

He looked back at his brother one last time before closing the door behind himself and calling it a day.

Tomorrow would feel longer than usual, tomorrow will be a new day. Tomorrow is only a day away.

I had to add an Annie quote okay! End Of Chapter 1325 Words.

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