Chapter 44 - Yvette Winters (-Lovell)

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Normally Yvette would go to Logan for help with her homework. Normally, Logan would walk her through everything, making it just like a stroll in the park. Normally, Logan would be frustrated with how they're teaching the work nowerdays. Normally, Logan would figure it out at the end, and so would Yvette. Normally, Yvette would have a good time doing homework with her dad.

Nowerdays, Yvette came home from school, immediately going to her room, doing her homework and staying in there staring out the window until she was called for dinner. Then after dinner, she goes back into her room, eventually going to sleep, she does the same thing the next day.

Lately....Yvette had been thinking about her.

Usually she just ignored thoughts about her mother and focused on the good like Patton told her. she has more time to think about it. About everything.

It still confused her. It still confused her even though it'd been more than a year. More than enough time to know.

For some odd reason, she found comfort in that old picture of her dad and Virgil. He didn't know that other kid. Nor know much about him. But she still felt close to him, like a friend in another life.

The two couldn't even interact. Yet Yvette could spend hours thinking about what kind of person he was, what kind of person would her dad be friends with?

It was strange to her.

Though, when the thouhts of that boy disappears, the confusion returns again.

She still remembers the day those people smashed through the front door and took her mother away. Then they took her away.

They made her wait in a cold empty room, waiting all through the night. She thought she'd fallen asleep in the seat when someone came to escort her to school.

Nothing made sense but being in school made more sense. That part of the day was the only part that made sense. Yvette barely remembers the faces of the police or the smell of the room or the colour of the chairs. It was cold, that's it.

Then after she remembers that, she thinks back to 2 weeks ago. One day Logan was walking around smiling, then the next minute, her dad is sobbing in the corridor and Logan was in the hospital with tubes and bandages on him as the scars appeared on Patton.

Once again, school was the only thing that made sense, the only point of consistency in her daily life, the thing that she'd always go to. day she would grow up.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Evie? Can I come in?" Janus asked, peering though a crack in the slightly open door before fully opening it. He smiled humbly as he sat on the bed next to her, "Are you alright? You've barely left your room for a while lately,"

Yvette lifted her legs to her chest as she rested her chin on her knees as she shook her head at Janus.

"That's alright, it's a hard time for all of us," Janus slowly put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her before she shrugged it off, shaking her head again and putting her head in her knees.

"Would you like to know how I met Logan?" Janus asked, catching Yvette's attention as she turned her little head towards Janus, "I thought so," He smiled.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

It was a autumn day, Janus was in his first year of high school, the pressure would be higher than before. His uniform was clean and new and stiff. Unfortunately his parents had enrolled him into a private school that had only the best of teachers. And by best, it means the harshest who didn't take anyone's shit.

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