Chapter 47 - Talking Is Easier Than Moving

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The next few days weighed heavily on Logan's mind and body. He was still paler than the moon and skinny as a stick. His skin stuck close to his skin and his hair was greasy. 

Doctors came and went, he never remebered their faces or their names, only the things they asked of him.

Breathing no longer felt like concrete blocks on his chest but the tube was still shoved down his throat and scraping againest his lungs and yellow-tinted teeth. He was still being injected with nutrients and still hadn't eaten or drank anything for who knows how long.

By the third day, Logan could move his arms a bit and his head was lighter than before. He felt pathetic needing someone to help him sit up.

Every day Patton, Yvette and Janus had been coming to visit, they all assisted with helping movement. It helped, just didn't feel good when his limbs cracked as slooshed.

In the accident, Logan's glasses had been destroyed, Patton had gotten a pair of new ones, but he was told he wasn't allowed them until they confirmed that there wasn't anything wrong with his sight that they could notice in an MRI scan or taking photos of the sclera and pupil and analyse that.

The whole thing had taken a tedious amount of time.

These were all things he thought of when everyone left.

"Come on Lo, I know you can do it," Patton encouraged, holding Logan's leg slightly as support.

Nodding, Logan tried again. The leg didn't move. Once again, he focused really hard didn't move again.

"Hey! It moved a teeny bit!" Patton exclaimed. His expression fell gently as he softly placed the leg down again and sat next to Logan. Sighing a bit, he smiled nicely, "I know you're frustrated but you still need to try,"

"Do it for me,"

"Nice Steven Universe reference!" Emile said as he entered the room.

Rolling his eyes, Logan mentally scoffed at his sibling. "Emile!" Yvette cried happily as she skipped over to Emile and giving him a quick hug.

"Come on kiddo, I'm sure Emile is here to see Lo," Patton chuckled.

Offering out a hand to Patton, Emile greeted the man, "How you, how do?" The two hadn't actually met each other before, even though they both constantly visited the same person! Ironic, am I right? Not the best place to meet, a hospital room. Though there's probaly worse they could of met, I could've done those instead. It's not like they didn't know who each other were.

"Hiya," Patton took Emile's hand and shook it.

Emile's attention got drawn towards Logan's face. Of which was sort of frowning as he stared at his legs as if he'd get a chainsaw and begin beating them up for not working. He looked almost like a pouting child who's toy stopped working, well if the toy was apart of its body.

Laughing at Logan's face, Emile said, "Is our Logan being stubborn?"

From the other side of Logan's bed, Janus lightly flicked Logan's forehead, "They absolutely will move if you keep doing that," The two were like two peas in a pod as Janus copied Logan's iconic eye rolls constantly.

"Scff," Logan muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Snapping their heads at Logan, four pairs of wide eyes were dotted at Logan. Without any word, they just stood there, dumbfounded. Logan looked around at all of them, confused.

A few seconds later, his eyes squeaked quiet as the realisation dawned upon him.

"You spoke Dad!" Yvette exclaimed, grabbing Logan's hand and trying her best not to shake him out of excitement.

Slowly nodding, Logan looked down at their hands, like cogs, his knuckles creaked and squeaked as he slowly intertwined their fingers. Smirking, Logan looked back up at Yvette.

"Darn! Now I'm trapped!" She giggled.

"Who taught you that word?" Patton laughed whilst falsely acting stern.

The five of them had plenty of time to get to know each other, well, since they'd never met each other. Unironically, all of them were all alike, well apart from Janus and Loagn whom just watched the other three, quite happily as well.

Logan and Janus played a small game of Uno to help Logan's arm movements, and generally so he'd actually have a win. And by a win, I mean, he beat Janus' ass too many times.

It'd still be a while until Logan could go back home, but he enjoyed being with his family.


Emile decided to invite himself over for dinner so he'd be able to get to know the others better. Definitely not just for the free food. Totally not just for the free food. Absolutely not. Nope, not at all. Free food, completely out of the question.

...It was for the free food.

"So who are you?" Patton asked as he turned on the stove for spaghetti bolognese, "Seems like a silly question now!" Patton chuckled as he leaned againest the breakfast bar with Emile across from him.

Yvette was sitting next to him, doing homework, though, she didn't know how to do any of the work properly.

"Well, obviously I'm Emile, I'm a therapist and Logan is my brother," Emile chuckled, "Well not really my brother, we were both just raised in the same foster home, we were roomates,"

"Though, I do consider him my brother, he definitely acts like an older brother," Emile sighed quietly, recalling his brother from before they were seperated, but he smiled, knowing about his life now. "What about you Patton?"

"Well....I'm Logan's partner, he lives here with our daughter, well, legally she's just my daughter," Patton chuckled, thinking about the odd relationship they all had.

"Hard time adopting?"

Patton laughed, not at Emile, more at himself for not explaining more, "No, I adopted Yvette before I met Logan,"

Emile nodded smirking, they were going to get along well. "...want any embarrassing stories of Logan..?" He muttered as if they were dealing something dodgy.

"Absolutely," Patton replied, eyes filled with mischief.


"Anyways, it's getting late, I'm going to go home now," Emile announced, grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair.

"Yeah, thanks for helping us clean up," Patton said, "It was nice meeting you,"

"You too, I'm glad Logan found someone so nice," Emile told Patton as he put his jacket on.

Patton smiled and nodded as the two walked to the door, "See you later Emile,"

"Bye Patton,"

Closing the door behind himself, Patton walked back into the quiet house and sat down on the sofa. He made another friend.

Turning on the TV, a film was on, Cinderella. What a classic.

Someone came walking down the stairs. Roman and Remus had left a few days ago since everything was getting better and the two wanted to get home to their own beds since the sofa wasn't the most comfy to sleep on and the living room was always cold at night.

It's still silly to think how many times Logan and Patton fell asleep on the sofa even though it was freezing. He missed Logan being home, he missed him a lot. Even when it was stupidly cold they still managed to pass out.


"'s Janus,"

"Janus?" Patton turned his head to see the person coming down the stairs. His scars were irritated and his eyes were puffy and red. His earings were pulled out of his  ears, and I don't just mean taken out, I mean they quite literally looked like someone had yanked them all out of his ears. They were pale red and slightly bleeding, a nasty scar would probaly form there soon. His brown eyes were blood shot and it seemed he'd have been crying for quite a while.

"Janus....come here...what happened?" Patton's eyebrows creased as a confused gaze was pointed at Janus as the teenager came over.

End Of Chapter. 1324 Words.

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