Chapter 1 - The Stranger In Glasses

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Trigger Warning: intrusive thoughts mention, crying, internalized homophobia.

It was a crisp autumn day, orange, red, yellow leaves fell from the beautiful colour changing trees. The cold sun's light shone upon the crowds of people below on that crisp autumn morning. The morning when everything changed.

"Ouchy!" The two men fell apart as they collided with one another. Both falling to the concrete floor.

"My apologises...."

"I'm Patton! And you? Mr......"

"Lovell, Logan Lovell," The man said, climbing to his feet with the help of a railing nearby. He held out his arm for the other to get up.

"Nice to meet you Mr Lovell," Patton took the offered hand as he happily bounced to his feet with the help, "Well, I'd love to make it up to you over a cup of hot chocolate, but I really need to go!"

"Oh! Alright, nice to meet you too Mr Patton?" He stuttered out as he watched the other run down the street in a rush to the school he taught at.

Patton wasn't the best at punctuality, he'd often arrive late to school and the kids would be waiting for a good five minutes before he came.

"I'm sorry I'm late again! I'll try not to be late again!" He said, sweating buckets with a bright red face from all his blood pumping, "I won't make that a promise though!" He said, putting one finger up as he panted at the ground.

The entire classroom burst into delightful giggles at their silly teacher.

"Alright, let's get down to business-"

"TO DEFEAT! THE HUNS!" The whole classroom yelled as a couple of kids began handing out their exercise books swiftly.

Logan, however was still slightly stunned by the incident earlier as he walked back to his apartment above his shop.

He set his keys in the pot by the door as he tried to push the thoughts of the stranger out of his head.

His beautiful clear face that felt like a calm ocean, matching with his enticing blue eyes that no one could forget. The scribbles of conversations he has with his soulmate, covering his arms.

He remembered that he felt a familiar warmth when he met with the stranger. A warmth he had long forgetten. 

Maybe he'd try and find him again.

Time skip! Break time!

Every breaktime, when he wasn't on duty, of course, he usually wrote to the mysterious, maiden that his fate was intertwined with. Usually little things like, how his day went or what he taught his class. It was silly. But it made him feel a little less alone.

He never got a reply from her.

Sometimes, he'd think that she might not exist. Others, he'd think she hates him or just soulmates. Either way, she didn't want anything to do with him.

But at least he had...

At least he had....

No one.

Today he only doodled a few hearts and his odd encounter with...Mr Lovell? Logan? That was his name.

"Mr Winters..." Patton heard a small sniffle from his classroom door as he accidentally dragged the pen across his arm, creating a massive mark.

"Are you alright kiddo?" Patton rushed right over to the upset child in his doorway, crouching down to her height.

She sniffled a little before asking, "C-can I talk to you about something..?"

"Absolutely kiddo," Patton lead the child over to one of the tables in the classroom and let her sit down, grabbing his box of tissues before taking a seat beside her, "So..What happened Yvette?"

She took a tissue, quietly drying her tears, "Th-they're making m-me mo-move sc-schools..."

"Aw kiddo, it's alright, I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends at your new school," Yvette shook her head.

"I d-don't want t-to go w-with th-those people," Patton tilted his head slightly at the young child, "I want my mommy back," She sniffled as a few more tears fell onto the desk.

"'ll all be alright Kiddo," Patton didn't know what to do. All he could do was listen to her right now, "If you want, I can help you with your reading to cheer you up?"

"C-can we read the pr-princess and the pea?" She asked with almost the same enthusiasm as she usually did in class.

"Yep! I'll go get it," Patton walked over to the book shelf and got the book.

Logan was watching everything on his arms as the writing had suddenly ceased. Leaving a large pen line across all of the things his soul mate had wrote.

He tried reading between the lines, "Hello! Today I bumped into a polite man today! Accidentally, of course! He was really nice! I can't wait to meet you...I mean...if you'd like t-" a few hearts covered his arms, as drawn before. They were very neatly drawn.

He sat back in his chair as he sighed, looking at the galaxy he painted on his ceiling.

Blue, purple and shades of pink mixed together, dots of stars swirling towards the middle of the galaxy before shading to black. The colours were so bright, yet dull. It was balanced. Like all things should be.

Logan looked back at his carefully planned calander. He only had one free day. It was about in 8 months time.

Maybe he could find that stranger he lost in the crowd? Take him out for that..Hot chocolate? Is that what he said? The stranger he met was odd. And that made Logan curious.

Time Skip! After school!

Yvette was going to be taken to a adoption agency. One far away.

Patton was a bit too emotional attached to his students. He couldn't help sobbing like they would die young. In his memory they would.

But seeing what he saw that break, it almost broke his heart all over again. He held out his heart for that young kid. He had to know if she'd be happy with the family she'd find with the agency, and the family that would adopt her.

It was then Patton realised something.

He searched for the adoption agency Yvette would be sent to. He sent out a request to go to the adoption under 'considering adoption', and a requested date for a few days time to be met by said agency.

He realised, he could adopt this child that ever so needs a family. A child that he saw himself in. He wanted to help her.

And he'll do it all for her.

But maybe he'll do it for himself as well. Would that be selfish?

Maybe. We'll never know.

He closed off his computer. Leaving his room enveloped in darkness. It was way past 6:00pm. He span around on his spiny chair in delight of the good thing he'd be doing. He was sort of relieved that he'd be able to bring happiness into this child's life.

But his mind, ever so slightly, thought back to the stranger he had met that morning.

The stranger had adorable freckles that were scattered all around his face and light brown, straight hair. He was dressed all smart and all. It was cute. Patton had a thought or two about playing dot to dot with the strangers freckles as there were so many of them.

"No, Patton, you're straight, you're not one of those fags," He mentally scolded himself for the intrusive thoughts that made him feel butterflies in his stomach.

He couldn't stop thinking about the stranger in glasses that he'd bumped into. It felt so wrong...yet so right. The thought of playing with his hair as he layed sleepily in his arms, slowly petting him til he fell asleep. The thought of the taste of his pink lips. The thought of raising Yvette with him.

"It's feels....right..?" He grunted in frustration, flopping onto his bed face first.

End Of Chapter. 1322 Words.

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