Chapter 11 - Stuck In One Place

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Trigger Warning: Crying, paranoia

Patton had been distant for a few months. To put it simply.

To put it in more detail, he was confused. All the he thought he knew, he began doubting. Everything had been thrown on it's head because of this one man, and frankly, he was scared. Scared of change, even though so much had changed.

He believed his feelings would go away if Logan went away.

Hahaha. No.

Logan had been blowing up Patton's phone, metaphorically. He was extremely worried about him. What if something had happened to Patton? What if he was hurt? What if someone tried to kill him?

He could barely get a decent ammount of sleep anymore, even the volunteer at his shop was getting increasingly concerned about Logan.

"Logan, buddy, get to sleep, I'll handle the shop," Janus tapped Logan's back as he looked like he was drifting into his dreams.

"'s my shop..." Logan mumbled as his head shot up.

Janus sighed, "At least tell me what had happened, this isn't like you," Compromise isn't something Janus usually did but this was getting to an unhealthy extreme.

"You know Patton?"

"No, I absolutely don't know about the guy that comes in often and you talk about daily," Sarcasm dripped from his silver tounge.

"Right...He hasn't been speaking to me,"

"That's what's got your panties in a twist? Over some guy?" He slammed the spray bottle on the side after watering the plants, "Jesus, why don't you not go over to his house and confront him?"

Logan thought in a daze as he processed the words Janus was saying, "Oh yeah,"

"First, you go back upstairs and sleep," Janus bargained.

"Fine, fine...." Logan stumbled back upstairs and literally fell asleep on his bed.

Janus took out his phone and began calling Remus.

"Hey double dick,"

"Greetings and salutations, I need a favour,"

"What kind of favour~" Remus teased slightly.

Janus blushed, brushing off the statement, "Ask your brother what's been up with Patton and Logan,"

"Sure, what's up with them anyway?" Remus was now obviously on the move as you could now hear Roman.

Janus sighed quietly as he struggled to recall the conversation with Logan, "Patton's been ignoring Logan, hasn't been replying yo his texts and shit,"

"Hey Ro, what's the shit with Patton?" Remus talked to Roman as Janus listened in quietly.

Roman coughed, "Patton's fine, nothing's really come up. Why?"

"Apparently he's been ignoring his little boy toy,"

"WHAT???" Roman loudly exclaimed, he began fumbling around as it sounded like Remus walked away.

"Oh shit, well anyway thanks,"

"No prob cumwad," He made a kissing noise into the phone before hanging up.

Janus sighed as he looked up knowing very well Logan may be asleep up there, well hopefully.

Patton was doing his normal stuff, teaching. His phone went off every so often but it had stopped for a while.

Harry raised his hand. Harry is the nosy ass student from the 3rd chapter by the way.

"Yes Harry?" Patton pointed at the student.

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