Chapter 34 - Step On A Crack, Break Your Mother's Back

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Next, they decided to go on the regular water slides of various heights. They weren't very interesting but they were very colourful, like a rainbow. The tallest one was purple and it made a really big splash, soaking Patton even more when Logan went down after him.

After that they went to the singular toilet bowl one. And I quote, "It felt like I was being birthed back into my mother," - Logan Lovell 2020. Either way, it wasn't wrong but still was enjoyable even if Patton, being 6'2, touched the floor when he fell.

Then they went onto the other donut one with the ramp. Now have you ever seen Logan terrified, well, Patton did. After a while he did start to enjoy it.

Then everyones favourite, the lazy river. Unfortunately there was a shortage of donuts so Patton and Logan just shared.

"Today was wonderful, I'm glad you suggested it," Logan commented as he splashed some water as the donut hobbled along.

Patton smiled as he wrapped his arms around Logan whom was just chilling on Patton, "I'm glad I did too,"

The two just continued to float along for a while before their colour band was told to leave the pool.

"We should come here again sometime," Logan suggested as he put his shirt on.

Patton hummed as he dried his curly hair, "We should bring Yvette as well, she'd love this place,"

"Yeah, she would," Logan agreed, putting his trousers and socks on, "So, where do you want to eat?"

As Patton was suffocating himself with his jumper he mumbled an answer, then proceeded to repeat it when he got the jumper on, "I haven't been to a hungry horse in a while, it'd be nice to go,"

"Hungry Horse it is," Logan replied, putting his swimming trunks wrapping in his towel in the bag. He grabbed their glasses and put his own on as he put his goggles back in the bag, "Here," Logan said, putting Patton's glasses on his face.

"Thanks Lo," Patton told him.

Time Skip!

It was night when they got home, immediately they got into their pyjamas and just sat in the living room watching Free Willy again as Logan continued to read his book from that morning.

Buzz buzz.

"Amare, your phone," Logan pointed out as Patton was fully engrossed in the film.

"Oh!" Patton replied, grabbing his phone.

Yvette: Good night dad

Patton: Good night kiddo and Lo saying goodnight as well

Patton:  I hope you had a great day with your friend Sam - Logan

Yvette: I did, and thanks!

Patton: Love ya kiddo

Yvette: Love you Dads

Patton tucked his legs back on the sofa as he yawned softly, placing his head upon Logan's shoulder. Before looking back at his book, Logan turned a smiled, planting a small peck on Patton's forehead.

It's peaceful times like these that don't mean much, but they mean everything at the same time. Because, sometimes it's the small moments that matter, like the sun rising every morning or setting every night. It's a small reminder that no matter what happens in the world, it matters no matter what, no matter how small.

The smell of coffee soon flew away from the air as the wind blew in from the window, fluttering Patton's eyes open. Free Willy had finished a few minutes ago and he'd accidentally fallen asleep on the sofa once again. Cracking his bones quietly, he sat back up.

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