Chapter 18 - No Matter What

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Boxes were everywhere around him. Well to say the least.

Yesterday, Logan had offically moved all of his things into the apartment, then also had to cook as well so he didn't get time to unpack so he slept on the sofa. But now today, it was a Monday, Patton and Yvette were at school so he was just alone, surrounded by boxes.

The logical thing to do was to unpack, like a normal person. But Logan just descided to paint on a wall. It was the wall next to where the stairs were, it didn't have any windows so he wouldn't get stopped by the glass. Clearly it was the better choice out of the rist of falling down the stairs and windows.

All the boxes that had been moved into the room the day before were now all planted oposite this wall neatly so he wouldn't bump into one. Logan descided, that to make this feel more at home, he had to do this but he couldn't do the ceiling again so he descided on the wall instead.

This time, it would be less of a galaxy, and more of a bunch of stars and planets that he made up in his mind after a few minutes of imagining. It took multiple daydreams to get where he was now at, the perfect scene.

The paint brush tickled the wall gently, wrapping it up in a blanket of paint so it could rest. The dipping of the prickles in the water to makes more colours was satisfyingly calming whilst the rain trickled down the windows that day.

It was beautiful. That's all I can think of. It was completely and utterly gorgeous. A flurry of warm and cold colours that could warm the heart of even the coldest person. A creative merry of strikingly amazing planets that you would believe actual existed if someone showed you this. The careful void of colour that seperates that warm from the cold kissed them both in a unbelievablely elegant affair with the two.

Okay, maybe I went a little over board, but put me back on the ship because I meant every word.

The aparent door opened loudly as one of the two other people that lived there announced their arrival, "We're home!" Patton exclaimed loudly before soon coming into the room, "Did you get to do any unpacking.....whoa...."

Patton turned to face the mural Logan had painted as Yvette joined the two in the room.

"Oh, hello Patton," Logan finally noticed the two eyeing up the painting. He rubbed the back of his neck as he gazed upon his painted that had been laying out for a good few hours and the disgusting water that he used for changing paints.

"It's so beautiful Logan," Patton told Logan as he continued to just stand in front of the stairs, amazed at what was in front of him.

His eyes finally made their way towards the two that were staring at his artwork, "I um... unpacked my paints I suppose," He silently scolded himself, a light blush failed to hide itself as he spoke.

"Is it finished?" Yvette asked, admiring the painting's beauty.

"Yes, it is," Logan gazed back upon his several hours of work, a smile apeared on his face as a sparkle shined in his eyes, "I finished it when you two came in,"

Patton's eyes floated down towards Logan, whom was still sitting on the floor, "Well, we need to do some homework, unfortunately we have to leave you to unpack," He awkwardly announced.

"It's quite alright, go do your homework," Logan shooed them off before closing his paints.

He decided to maybe set up his desk and chair today, maybe a bedside table if he feels like it.

The room was now feeling more like home to the freckled man now that he was accompanied by what he always had a home. Sometimes it's the small things that count.

It was around 4:30pm when Logan had finished setting up his desk along with the desk chair and also a bedside table. Tonight, it was also his turn to cook, he was going with sausage egg and chips today with cabbage and cucumber on the side so they'd actually eat vegetables. It wasn't much, but it was effective.

Time Skip! After dinner!

"Let's watch Steven Universe the Movie," Patton suggested. Today he was on drying duty, Yvette was on washing duty and Logan was putting everything away today. The system had to be changed now that there's three of them, but it doesn't matter since now there was less work for whoever was drying that day.

Logan nodded as he put a dried plate in the cupboard while also putting his cutlery in the cupboards and drawers when he wasn't putting the newly dried ones away.

The washing and drying and I guess putting-away-ing was finally done. The three made their way to the sofa as they turned on the movie.

Logan of course knew the general dynamics of the show after bing watching it multiple times when he was alone.

Halfway through the movie, Patton began looking extremely drowsy.

"Hey, Patton, you look tired," Logan whispered to Patton to not distract Yvette from the movie.

"Yeah, sorry..." He yawned quietly, "I am a bit tired,"

"C'mon," Logan softly put his arm around Patton as he pulled him closer to him, effectively allowing him to lay down and fall asleep.

"Mm," Patton mumbled quietly as he felt the warmth of Logan's body againest his own, it

Logan unassumingly placed his hand upon Patton's back so he wouldn't fall. The song, 'No Matter What' came on as Patton's eyes became heavier.

"In the light of the day," Logan hummed quietly, "In the dark of the night,"

"When you're raring to go," His chest grew and flattened as he sung, "When you're tired from the fight,"

"When you're losing your mind," He sung softly, "Lemme give you a thought,"

"I'm gonna be right by your side no matter what," He sang so only Patton could hear. Patton's eyes grew heavier to the point he couldn't keep them open. The soft rise and fall of their chests and the quiet snores of his breathing could barely be heard.

As the sky dulled and the stars shone, the film soon came to an end with all three of them sound asleep on the sofa to the sound of cars driving by.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

All three pair of eyes opened to the sound of Patton's alarm clock in the other room. They all had managed to sleep the night away on that sofa as the movie repeated itself over and over again.

"Good morning," Patton groaned. He woke up to the sight of Logan's freckled face gazing at him, his glasses falling half way off his face.

"Morning dad, morning Logan," Yvette greeted the day as she lifted her head off of the arm of the sofa. She looked towards the two others, still in a daze, "Well I'll be getting dressed for school,"

She left the room, dragging her feet behind her.

Logan however descided to close his eyes again, he didn't need to wake up.

Patton blew into Logan's face making his eyelids flicker open, "C'mon if I'm waking up, you are,"

"Oh alright," The two sat up, their fingers letting go of each other, the coldness of the air now flowed through their fingers unlike the previous night. Logan began covering his red face, now realising that Patton had literally slept on him.

"Well I'm going to get changed, could you put the kettle on," Patton kissed Logan's cheek softly, "Payback from last time,"

Similarly to when Logan kissed Patton, he was stunned. His legs walked without him as his arms boiled the water.

Life was good, and that was good.

End Of Chapter. 1321 Words.

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