Chapter 43 - Roman Layor

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Trigger warning: r*pe mention, alchol mention

"Hey Roman,"


"You've been less annoying lately,"

"That's way to blunt you raging dumpster fire,"

"That's what I mean! You can't even find an orginal insult for me, you've used that exact same one 4 times this week!"


"It's Monday you tacky dolphin!"


"Actually, dolphins have raped basically everything and they are riding them with several sexy diseases," Remus purred devilishly, "And dolphins have a capability for evil and get high off of pufferfish's toxins,"

"Damn you're also starting to sound like Logan?" Roman groaned, walking into the living room with a cup of fancy tea from the kitchen after he finally brought a new kettle for Patton. He had not replaced it, it'd been several months. He really needs to get his life together, we need tea! (A/N I'm so British I'm sorry-)

Remus scoffed hold his hand on the chest and rolling his eyes to the back of his skull leaving only the white part visible to everyone else. It was disgusting. It's always disgusting. Why do you do this Remus?

"What was I saying again?" Remus questioned as his eyes came back into view, "Oh right! You're a condom on fire,"

Rolling his eyes again, Roman sat on the sofa, furthest away from Remus. He tucked his legs up on the sofa like a ball as he gently held the warm mug in his hands. A heavy sigh left his mouth after he took a sip of his drink.

After a few minutes, Roman finished his drink and put it into the kitchen before leaving without a word, but a note on the kitchen side for anyone who cares to read.

Walking through the warm air, Roman felt nothing but coldness through the street. Passbyers blurred through his mind though, after a while he reached Walmart. He looked up at the sign as he walked through the labyrinth that was the massive store.

Soon he left with a bag of 5 bottles of wine and walked in the direction of his and Remus' actual apartment.

It was dark when he reached the door, the keys jingled in his hands as he unlocked the door.

The dusty apartment had barely been touched for 2 weeks. A disturbing smell radiated from the kitchen awfully.

Shrugging it off, Roman got a bottle opener from the kitchen before sitting dow  in the living room.

Opening the first bottle, he thought back to what Remus had said: "You can't even find an orginal insult for me,"

He didn't want to replace someone so dear to Patton....but he wanted to loved as well. He wanted someone to care for him as much as Patton does for Logan. He wants to be worthy of love.

Apparently the universe didn't agree.

Downing a gulp of wine, Roman rubbed his mouth as trickles of tears weaped down his eyes.

Was this selfish? Is it wrong?

Taking another swig of the wine, and another, and another, and another, and another. Slowly, his head felt lighter than before but his tears fell heavier and so did his stomach.

Rubbing his face with his sleave, he placed the bottle to one side and grabbed the second one. His hand shook as he opened the second one.

The red scrapes blued around his neck, still bruised after too many years. He traced the marks ever so softly, biting the bitterness of his heart, Roman refused to hold back the tears in his glossy green eyes.

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