Chapter 7 - Two Pieces Taped Together

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Trigger Warning: Food mention, threatening vibe, homophobia.

It was quite a few months after Logan had that nightmare, he now began having it regularly. Well he wished it was a nightmare, it was more of a disorientation memory.

His head still wasn't in a good spot after that incident, after those days, he could easily go days without eating or drinking. He could just lay doing nothing during those days. All throughout those days he'd feel completely numb but he could easily do something about that.

Patton however, it had been a few days after he managed to adopt Yvette. She was settling nicely and was absolutely delighted that she could stay with her classmates, but even happier that she was taught by Patton. Even being there a few days, she'd already fitted perfectly into their little family.

"Ahhhgggg," Patton threw the lid onto the pot as it flamed up slightly, quickly turning off the oven.

Yvette came rushing in quickly at the yelp of her adoptive dad, "Are you okay?" She giggled at the usual sight of Patton being terried of a pot and his terrible cooking.

"Yep! Just messed up the cooking," He told her, patting her head gently, "Again," He laughed awkwardly, "I'll get better kiddo,"

"Practice makes perfect! Right?" She cheered recalling the phrase Patton had said often to the class.

"Indeedy, well we both know this won't get better," He chuckled pointing his thumb at the kitchen, "Go get your coat and shoes on kiddo, you know the drill,"

She ran over to the shoe rack, collecting her shoes, "Is mr Logan going to join us again?" She asked as Patton helped tied her shoes after she'd messed up her laces.

"Maybe if he hasn't already eaten," Patton told her as he pulled his phone out whilst she put her coat on.

He texted Logan if he'd join them. Shoving his phone in his trouser pocket he began to put his shoes on as Yvette patiently waited for him nearby.


"Well Vetty, he'll be joining us to dine," Patton stood up putting his coat on, "He'll meet us at Mc Donald's so let's go!"

Patton didn't have a car. The main reason was because the school was close and he kept crashing when he was getting his drivers license and eventually gave up after getting a shit load of dept that he's now paying off with his job. After those many, many tries, he made a promise to himself to just take the bus.

The Mc Donalds was close by so they just walked.

"Gretting Patton and Yvette," Logan was waiting outside of the McDonalds for the odd pair as it was dark and he was slightly awkward about going in by himself, "Shall we go order,"

Logan spoke like he usually did but he was extremely pale to the point his freckles might as well look like black spots painted onto his face in the night. Seeing his eyes was even harder to the point when they were really only visible as the light reflected on them, that was an exaggeration, but not by a lot. He didn't look well.

"Lo, how are you today?" Patton asked as he ordered himself a 20 nugget sharebox for himself and a chocolate milkshake, "Yvette, do you want chicken nuggets or the chicken wrap today?"

"Nuggets!" She yelled.

Logan was unsually quiet for a moment, "I'm doing alright, just been a bit stressed,"

"Aww that's too bad," Patton sympathized as he pulled Logan to the machine, "Dinner is on me,"

Logan ordered something small and went to find a table with Yvette as Patton payed for the food.

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