Chapter 40 - Back To School

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Trigger warning: Mention of scars and bruises

5 Days Later

"PATTON GET OUT OF BED," Roman yelled, grabbing Patton duevet as Patton clung to it trying to keep himself wrapped in bed. "Please?"

Patton glared from his blanket burrito at the half dressed man who was complaining. Roman stayed there helping around and was rarely seen outsidemof pyjamas, well, neither was Patton. "Think of how happy the kids will be when their favourite teacher finally comes back?"

Patton flopped back on his side, "...They don't like me,"

Roman loomed in front of Patton's face, "Sure they do Padre, you just haven't seen it yet,"

"You should see what they're like," Patton flopped over to the other side, ignoring Roman.

"REMUS GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE!" Roman yelled to the living room.

Remus and Janus came in, as per usual. They'd also gained Janus there as well, he'd mysteriously found of about Logan and came to help Yvette and Patton. He'd heard all about the two from when Logan's shop was open, and secretly, he really appreciated Logan. I say secretly but not really, it's kind of obvious. Janus sort of sees Logan as a parental figure in some weird way.

So Patton lost one person and gained three in the house.

Silently he was considering making Janus, Remus and Roman pay a little bit of rent for their stay. He never did though. Patton is still Patton. Just Patton a little sadder now, and by a little I mean a lot.

Janus grabbed Patton's clothes from the wardrobe and threw them at him.

Honestly, Patton looked like hell, but that's only because Logan looks like hell, still, it was a painful reminder about what Logan is going through.

Janus looked back for only a moment before telling Patton, "He'll get through this, I know he will," and then he left without another word.

But those words meant more to Patton than Janus would ever know.

Taking a deep breath, Patton sat up and flung his legs off the side of the bed. Patton looked at the clothes Janus had picked out for today. It was a light blue cardigan with a grey shit and black high waisted jeans. Along with that, Janus had also placed the sword necklace on the bed as well.

He solemnly smiled at it, recalling when he shoved it in the wardrobe. Thinking about it, Patton never thought it'd see the light of day for a while.

There was a small note on it that read:

I know you were going to give this to Logan, but, for now wear it close to your heart
- Roman

Roman was always a sucker.

Exhaling, Patton descided to wear it.

"Morning sunshine! Remus made cereal like a normal person today!" Roman called from the living room, picking up four bowls of cereal from the table.

Yvette's ears perked up as she hopped over and gave Patton a big squeeze, "I'm glad you're coming back," She beamed before skipping over to the kitchen and shoving a bowl of cereal into Patton's hands.

"Thank you kiddo," Patton pursed a smiled as he sat down by Janus and Remus whilst Roman and Yvette sat on the other sofa.

He munched on the cereal quietly while listening to the morning news, but inevitably getting bored and putting on The Owl House because that is 100x better than whatever crap the news wants to anger us with.

"Remus do you want to be dropped off at school?" Patton asked, eating messily. You would think he'd eat better after living with Logan for all that time wouldn't you?

"Sure," Remus said back.

Time Skip - School - Patton's Class

The administration decided to assign a teaching assistant to Patton.

It wasn't bad...just odd. Patton wouldn't even know what to do with help since he's never been given it so all of today is foreign.

The assistant was a short lady, well in Patton's eyes, but she was probaly average height. She had curly black hair that reached her shoulders, but I bet it could very well reach the bottom of her back. She had dark skin and button like eyes the shone it the light. On the bridge of her nose rested a pair of glasses with cream rims that matched the shirt she was wearing. It was undeniable, she was indeed gorgeous.

Patton a breath escaped the anxious jaws of his mouth as he puckered up the courage to actually go inside the classroom.

He knew what they'd been doing that entire week where Patton had been off, and there was no denying that they did it, it was just today. He'd spent so much time in bed sometimes he believed he'd never get out of its grasp again, but now that he's here even just the thought made his knees stumble over themselves.

The door creaked open as Patton twisted the handle and pushed it.

"Good morning everyone," Patton greeted them all. He unclenched his jaw as a smile puckered itself upon his lips for the first time in what feels like forever. He'd almost forgot why he taught. It's because he loves teaching others.

"Good morning sir," A clamber of voices kneeled over one another. It was strange.

A hand shot up into the air right before Patton reached his desk. "Yes Charlie?"

"Why were you gone for so long?"

"Now Charlie I'm sure Mr Winters doesn't want to answer that-" Miss Rossi interrupted my breath.

Patton scoffed politely, "No, I will, they all deserve an explaination,"

"Thank you sir,"

"It's alright, now, the reason I was off for so long is because Lo- ...someone who is precious to me had a rather nasty accident and is currently in hospital," He informed them, "It was rather hard on me so I stayed at home,"

The kid sat down, satisfied with his answer as several kids passed him some sweets. "Now, onto the lesson, did you guys understand the work set your last week well or do I need to go over it again for clarification?"

Another kid's hand shot up.

"Yes?" Patton asked.

"What does clarifucasion mean?" She asked.

"OH, Sorry, it means to make something easier to understand," Patton told them.

A few kids noted this down in their books, Patton had noticed this at lunch whilst going through all their books to get a better grasp on what happened last week. The whole day had gone by decently well.

He brought out a bag of concealer to cover up bruise and scars from Logan's accident, some had rubbed off during lesson and he wanted to be prepared. Plus Roman had insisted him to bring it because, "A prince has got to slay," though you're never really sure if he's the prince or if you're the prince.

Fortunately, Patton had been told by Mrs Jones that she'd cover duty for the whole week, I think she said something about getting settled back in or something. Though you're never really sure.

What made him smile slightly was how the class was warming up to him. When he set them off to work they almost had a tune in their steps and a beat in their hearts unlike when Patton had first taught them. It was nice to see their childish spirits return to them.

He sighed, placing down his green pen on the desk after marking quite a few books. He missed this. He really missed it a lot.

It made him believe there was a place in the world just for him. It made him feel like he had some sort of effect on the world around him, and it was doing something he enjoyed: teaching.

Gazing upon the pen on the table, he had a passing thought.

Picking it up he wrote only 3 words on his arms in case Logan would wake up to see. Patton couldn't always be by his side, but in this way, at least he won't entirely be alone in that small hospital room.

End Of Chapter. 1343 Words.

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