Chapter 55 - Action Is Finally Being Taken

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Trigger Warning: Abuse, reference to violent nature, pedophilia mention, police, mention of firearms

As the sky wailed and cried, Janus' shoes slugged through the street, sloshing and squeaking as he walked. The wind cried as it hit the trees leaves and branches when it passed through them.

He held his soaked hood over his head as the water dripped through the black hood onto his hair. His hands were empty and all of his pockets were turned inside out. His hoodie was zipped up to his chin and his trousers dragged under his feet as he made his way down the street.

Shiving his hands in his pocket, it suffocated his hands, sticking to his palms and refusing to let go as he struggled to yank them out of the pockets. "Ugh," he growled, ripping his hands out of the pockets and dropping them to his side.

When he got to the door number 13, he froze as a shiver ran down his spine. Turning onto the path leading to the door, he let his hood down as he hung his head low. Rain water dripped down his cheek as he knocked on the door.

"I'm back!" He called, his voice gravelly and cold as it trembled in the cloudy air.

The door creaked itself open as Janus' hand struck the door lightly. The room was as dark as always.

"Fucking hell," He cursed, letting himself into the house, wipping his shoes on the floor as he took them off leaving his damp socks on as he tread through the house with great caution.

Stamping up the stairs, his socks stuck and creaked the steps as he walked up them to the second floor where his room was located. His lungs sighed loudly, he never realised he was holding his breath until he inhaled right then. Clenching his teeth together as he held the banister he continued as his skin ripped againest the sharp wood that stuck out of it.

When he finally got to his room, he immediately locked the door behind himself before getting what he needed.

Shoveling his clothes and books as school bag and other trinkets that he's hoarded over the year. Everything he'd ever recieved was still here. Well unless He threw them out without Janus' knowledge.

Needing the extra room, Janus shoved the rest into his virtually empty school bag. Then he slung the bag over his shoulders and grabbed the others in his arms.

He wasn't lying when he said he was coming back to this house. He never said he'd stay here though. Why would he? There's nothing left for him here. Actually, there never was anything here for him.

A chill ran down his spine as goosebumps grew upon his skin as he shivered in the draft coming from the open door.

In that moment, Janus realised that coming back here was a grave mistake.


"I'm going out," Logan nonchalantly announced to the household as he began shoving his arm through the coat as he leaned on one crutch as the other was leaning againest the corridor wall.

His teeth chattered even though the heating was on. The hairs on the back of his neck raised their fists to the world.

Slamming the door open, Patton ran through the house, pouncing at Logan but not actually touching him in fear that he'd fall. "You are in condition to go look for him," Patton said, gasping for breath, he never really did exercise. Not even when he's chasing the kids who try and set fire to leaves wiyh a magnifying glass.

"I'm not letting the same thing as last time," He said, struggling to get his other arm through the coat.

A gently hand fell upon Logan shoulder, "I'll look for him instead," He assured him as Logan stopped struggling with the coat.

"You don' don't understand," He stuttered, yelping, grabbing his other crutch and retraining balance.

"What don't I understand?"

Logan sighed as he hobbled over to the nearest seat before patting the one next to him for Patton to sit down, "I'll tell you...but, if you go, bring the police with you when you find...." Logan stopped midsentence as he grabbed a piece of paper and began writting something that looks like an adress. "This adress," He slid the piece of paper over to Patton.

"But...why?" Patton asked, picking up the piece of old envelop and inspecting it for a second.

"Janus' current guardian is...violent, he's a dangerous man...but his mother is a lot worse," Logan told Patton, his hand shaking as he recalled that one day a little over 2 years ago, "I didn't want to do anything in case he was sent back to that woman's house," he admitted, "Janus' doesn't understand why this woman is so...bad, he forgave her too quickly,"

"Forgave her...for what?" Patton mumbled as his eyes fell to Logan's hands as the anxiously tapped againest the table.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"She was a child predator," Logan told him in hushed tones, Yvette was in her room but he wasn't sure if she could hear them or not.

Patton's expression dropped farther than his jaw, the only word, or I guess sound that he could muster up to say was: "Oh."



Still, Patton decided to go. He had a plan. One that could possibly work. Still might not, if it doesn't things will get sadder than I've already made them. Am I that cruel? Maybe, I might be. My track record says differently. Eh, you guys just need to guess, I just make my decisions with a coin flip. I'm not very reliable.

When he turned the corner to Demetri's street, well that's what Logan called this man you can only guess that it was his name, (hint: it is his name, I like calling him Demi just to be a shithead) Patton parked the car and began walking dowm the street past the house to see if he could hear anything.

Spoiler warning, he heard the sound of forgiveness, screaming then silence. (I'm sorry I'll stop with this).

He was horrified, but he kept walking, his head hung lower than it was before as he recorded everything before he got to the end of the street before turning the corner to call the police.

"Hello 999, what's you emergency?" The person on the other line began right after Patton clicked call.

"I'll like to report a concerning disturbance on **********************," Patton told them, "I have an idea of what's happening but I don't want to go alone,"

"Alright, keep calm sir, we're sending a few officers to your aid," They said, "They'll take it from here,"

"Thank you,"

"It's just our job,"

Patton slumped down onto the sidewalk for a moment before getting back up and walking back to his car that was parked nearby. He doubts that this'll work, but it's worth a dedicated try at least. He needed to try, for Logan and especially for Janus.

When the singular police car came, Patton realised it was time.

"Hello sir, you reporter a disturbance," The men said as they came out of the police car. They were armed with a gun and a batton, in complete uniform. As one locked the car, the other nonchalantly leaned againest the car as Patton basically towered over them.

"Um...I think you should listen to this video I took earlier," Patton told them, his voice slightly shaky and nervous, he didn't meet their eyes as he fumbled with his phone, trying to get the video up. Holding the phone out to the other two to see, they leaned in to listen to it, "Here..." Patton said, starting the video.

Their expressions didn't change, almost as if they didn't care. "Alright sir,"

"It's this house right here," Patton told them, almost dropping his phone as he lead the two to Demi's house (I said I was going to call him that). A shaky hand pointed at the door. "I know the um...kid who lives here... his parent seems....dangerous,"


End Of Chapter. 1360 words.

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