Special Chapter 2

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1 cup of coffee: 10.30pm

Logan had left to where ever he went, Patton had gotten a cup of coffee after standing in the kitchen for a full half an hour frozen in complete shock.

Luckily the sound of the kettle did not wake up the kids to the mess that Patton felt like at that moment. He didn't want to put that onto the kids, they didn't need that. They both deserved a happy childhood.

As the first drop of sour coffee spread around Patton's mouth, the liquid burned his tounge in the same way a spicy dish would sting it. Did he put sugar or pepper into his drink? Yet he still continued drinking it as the smell felt like it was radiating through even his nostrils.

It wasn't the worst coffee he's ever had.

3rd cup of coffee: 1am

The effects of the last two coffees still lay dormant in his mouth. He had tried to wash down the pepper taste with another coffee, disturbing the silence of the apartment living room.

The tapping of Patton's foot echoed through the pitch black room as his leg's anxiety rose to sky high levels.

The faint glow of a remaining lit up streetlight caught his eye as his eyes traced pattern of bricks it lit up from the other side of the road. Some were chipped. Some were cracked. A lot were vandalised by random people. Someone had brought the wall just to let people decorate it with their artwork. It never caught on since it didn't usually work with the red tint of the worn down bricks. Patton was always curious about how they managed to put grafitti so high up on a wall without getting caught.

5th cup of coffee: 3.45am

"Dad?" The light flicked on as Patton shielded his eyes, almost hissing at the sudden light. His eyelids feeling heavier than they did when the lights didn't blind him.

"Good..." Patton turned on his phone, his eyes focusing on the bright light of the phone screen, "Morning Janus, why are you awake at this time?" Patton asked as he put his phone away again.

Walking down from the step Janus was stood on, he walked around the living room area as he carefully slurred his sleepy words, "I felt thirsty," Janus told him, "So I'm getting a drink," Janus mumbled from the kitchen.


"I'm getting a drink," Janus said a bit louder than before.

"You should keep a bottle of water by your bed," Patton advised, "It helps to wake you up," He told him.

Raising an eyebrow as Janus gulped down his drink in the kitchen, "Why are you awake?" Janus asked as he gasped a breath after gulping down an entire cup of water, putting it down on the table.

"Couldn't sleep,"

"Of course you wouldn't be able to, you smell like Remus after a bad night," Janus off-handedly, "You reek of a coffee addict," he said before putting his cup in the sink for them all to wash later that day. "Where's dad?" Janus asked as he made his way out of the kitchen.

"Huh?" Patton nodded awake as he looked hypervigulantly towards his son. Was his eye twitching?

Raising an eyebrow, Janus sat on the back of the sofa awkwardly, "If dad was here he'd be biting your head off for staying up this long," Janus reasoned, "So where's dad?"

Shrugging, Janus furrowed his eyebrows as he leaned on his knees. "We had a fight, but I trust he'll be safe," Patton told him.

Silence fell upon the room, "Do you know when he'll be back?" Janus whispered.

"He will be back Janus,"

Nodding as he hummed in acknowlegement. "Good night dad,"

"Good morning Janus,"

End Of Chapter. 630 Words.

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