Chapter 64 - Lepidus Prandium

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It was already dark. The wind blew through the slightly cracked window as the GPS spoke every few minutes, givibg directions to the mysterious resurant that Logan had picked out.

Sitting beside Patton in the passenger seat, Logan had his eyephones in and was listening to a playlist with his eyes closed. His leg restless and his eyebrow twitched every few minutes or whenever a car was bright or loud. That was the usual for now, but he was coping with it.

Wind brushed againest Patton's skin as a warm breeze blew into the car as street lamps lit up the surrounding streets.

Eventually, the two got to their destination after a 20 minute drive. Either way, Logan had taken a little nap on the way and was completely asleep with his eyephone falling out of his ear slowly.

Leaning over to Logan, Patton softly placed a hand on Logan shoulder to wake him. "We're here Lo," Patton told him as he closed the window by reaching across Logan's lap.

"..oh? Okay," Logan rubbed his eyes as he turned on his phone to turn off the music before shoving the phone that was wrapped in the earphone wire, into his pocket.

Going around the car to Logan's side of the car, Patton opened the passager door for him as he adjusted what he was wearing.

Generally, Logan looked the same as usual, but Patton couldn't ask for more. Either way, Logan still was the best person that Patton would ever be with, he wouldn't trade him for the world. A simple black button up shirt tucked into his trousers with a dark blue tie and blazer was just simplely what he was wearing to the restaurant, oblivious of Patton's plans.

Taking Patton's reached out hand, Logan got out of the car, his leg numb from crossing them over on the way there. A gentle smile as he started to regain feeling in his leg before the two walked into the restaurant.

Immediately as they walked in, the restaurant was warm and the smell of various dishes engulfed their senses from every angle. In front of them was a bar to order food and drink, along with someone waiting at the door to aquaint people to their seats with a patterned holey wall from either side of them. The honey coloured lights illuminated the area with a soft glow, enticing them to stay and grab at least a drink or two. The floor was a dark, solid wood that glistened, completely void of dirt and dust.

Gazing back to Patton, Logan glowed brighter than any light in the building as they made their way up to the person waiting for customers.

"How many people do you have with you today?"

"Just 2, thank you," Patton beamed happily as his hand shook nervously in his pocket, the box kept still, interwined in his fingers as perfectly as a box could.

The person led both Patton and Logan right, to a table for two by the window that observed the city from afar as it lit up the sky with warm lights. A glass chandalier hung from the middle of the open room as the sound as forks and knives clinking againest the plates filled the room like a glass of wine.

Sitting down on the seat oposite the wall, Patton got settled on his chair as the person that escorted them to their seats, gave them two menus before leaving their table. Most likely the person will return in a few minutes when the couple have decided on what they want to eat.

Across from him, Logan had already taken out his little notebook that he uses to remeber his, and other people's, order, along with a pen that only had ¼ of the ink cartridge left. Skimping intensely through the options, Patton decided to leave him alone as he began deciding what he'd eat.

The menu was sorted into neat little catagories: beef, lamb, pork, chicken, vegetarian, vegan, kosher and  glutten-free. Same with the drinks: hot, cold and cool. Along with that, the dishes under each category were in alphabetical order and seperated by saturated coloured boxes. Even better, they were seperated by dinner courses so you know how big the meal would be.

Looking through them, Patton decided on a chicken dish in the main section, a roast chicken riosotto and caramelised onions. Joining the meal, Patton decided on a simple decaf tea. The two had an unspoken rule to order dessert after they've eaten the main so it does melt or get cold. In general they don't order starters.

Putting the menu to the shelf in front of the window, Patton leaned on the table, admiring Logan choosing what he'd want to eat tonight. Falling on the table, Logan's right hand rested as he wrote down his order as Patton placed his right hand on top of it before gently staring at his everything.

Turning around the notepad, Logan placed the pen in Patton's free hand, not even removing his hand from underneath Patton's.  ''Thanks Lo," Patton said as he started writting down his order from memory.

Reapproaching the table the server stood there with their own notebook. With a kind smile, Patton ripped out the page of Logan's notebook and passed it to them, "Thank you," he nodded politely.

Nodding, the server took the piece of paper and went to give it to the chief to make the food, leaving them alone. They'll probably move onto another table before Logan and Patton get served, or even go home.

Leaning on the table more, Patton held Logan's hand properly as he gazed across at him, "Have I told you that you're gorgeous?" He smiled, staring at Logan as he thought about the ring in his pocket.

With flushed cheeks, Logan flicked away for a moment, covering his face slightly with his other hand. "You aren't usually that direct with compliments," Logan mumbled under his breath, stuttering over his words as his ears glowed a dim red. Laughing softly, Logan held his head on his hand. Adjusting his hand, he got more comfortable sitting there. "How has work been? Have the kids in your class warmed up to you yet?" Logan asked.

Shrugging, Patton thought to his class, "They got introduced to Janus a while ago, I think that helped a lot," Patton told Logan, "I guess they kind of realised that I'm more than just a teacher so I'm a bit more easier to talk to," shrugging again, Patton continued, "It really helps with empathy, I'll be glad when they treat their future teachers well as well,"

"That's good, I'm glad," Logan told him, "Janus has been doing better nowerdays hasn't he?" Logan stated, thinking back to the way Janus used to be around 2 years back.

"Yeah, he has," Patton sighed softly in response, blinking quietly.

"Still, it's a shame that I can't take that wall and swap it with our room," Logan joked, chuckling. A brief pause gently lay in the air as the chatter of various couples enhanced the scenery. Sometimes he forgot they weren't alone, "Holy fuck....I legally have a child," Logan realised as he sat up quickly before resting his head in both of his hands, staring intensely at the table.

Laughing at Logan's small realisation, the two parted their hands as the server set down their plates. "Bon appetite amica mea," Logan rolled his eyes as he placed his napkin on his lap then immediately dug in.

Across from him, Patton sat for a brief moment, eyes closed, before digging into his food, licking his lips as he did so. Patting his pocket, Patton made sure the things were still there, digging in with his other hand.

He still had time.

End Of Chapter. 1304 Words

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