Chapter 32 - Family Meals, How Fun

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Trigger warning: Food mention

"Alright!" Patton had just emerged from his room, fully clothed and ready to leave the house. He clapped his hands together and approached Logan and Yvette whom looked like they were on the verge of death. They weren't morning people. "Go get dressed,"

"Why?" Yvette mumbled, halfway off of the sofa.

Patton placed a hand on his hip, "We were going over to my parents for the day, remember,"

Logan's eyes widened as he remembered this, "Well then," Then proceeded to walked back up to his room to change clothes.

"Come on kiddo," Patton plopped himself next to Yvette on the sofa. "They have ice cream for dessert~"

The word lingered in the room before Yvette finally processed the word. And my god, everyone loves that word. Well unless you misplace an s, then you're basically stranded.

She shot up in an instant, "I'll be back in a bit," She soon left to her room.

Patton sat back for a moment, "YOU AREN'T AVOIDING BRUSHING YOUR TEETH TODAY!" He yelled to Yvette.

"FINEEEEEEEEEE," Yvette complained back.

Time skip!

Ding dong!

The bell rang all throughout Veronica and Othello's house and they pattered down the stairs to answer the door. "Patton! Yvette!" She squatted downas she held out her arms, even though she was almost shorter than Yvette. The two of them were trapped in a bear hug for a minute before Veronica let go.

Othello patted Patton's back and then ruffled Yvette's hair, making it messier than Patton ever made it.

She patted down her hair as Patton's mother looked at Logan, "And who's this handsome lad?" She asked holding her arms out for a hug.

Logan obliged reluctantly, "I am Logan, Logan Lovell," He introduced himself, shaking Othello's cold hands.

"Don't tell me you adopted another kid?" Othello chuckled in a jokingly manner.

Patton shook his head, "No I didn't dad," He chuckled.

"Well, come in everyone," Veronica ushered them in, "When you told me you were bring another person I was a bit confused. But I'm happy that it's this lad,"

Logan held onto his bag a little tighter as he stared at their light wooden floor, "Thank you ma'am,"

"Come to think of it, I recognise that name from somewhere," Veronica said, sitting down on an armchair along with everyone else taking their seats. "Hmmmmmm..."

Looking towards Logan, Patton gave him a comforting smile of encouragement. "My mother used to run a flower shop, I recall you coming and buying flowers occasionally," He told them without batting his closed eyes.

Veronica gasped in realisation, "Oh! Logan, sweetie! Are you doing alright? We need to catch up!"

"You know him?" Othello asked pointing a kind finger at Logan.

Ronnie nodded, "He's Annie's boy, what a small world," She glaced over at Logan, giving him a sympathetic smile, "I know it's probaly still hard on you sweetie,"

Logan nodded in agreement somehow, talking about her made it easier. It made it easier than when he was alone, when no one was there for him. "It's getting better, what about you ma'am,"

"Oh! Call me Veronica," She insisted, "And I suppose, it's been lonelier without her, but I always have my Patton and Othello," she looked at the clock on the wall before turning back to Logan, "Sweetie, could you help me in the kitchen, we can also chat a bit more as well,"

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