Chapter 74 - A Simple Text

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The sky had reached it's peak hours ago, the sun was no longer blazing anyones poor eyes, and Patton and the kids were at home. Only them though, no one else.

God how he hoped it wouldn't just be them.

Around the living room, Janus was watering the plants in Logan's place, the sound of water trickled onto the leaves as the dripped down to be absorbed into the soil. Only to them be consumed by the plant itself or to be evaporated, to relive the water cycle once again. Over and over again. Yet all of the leaves remaining vibratant.

Nearby, Yvette was doing the homework Patton had set for her at the table. She got distracted easily so Patton had to turn the television all the way down. A small price to pay to have her do her homework in peace. She was still wearing her uniform and hadn't had a chance to change, but she probably would after she finished her work, the school day was long and boring and nobody wants to keep in that mindset for too long.

Though we all know she and Sam were writting each other secret messages each time Yvette had finished a question, almost like a reward for doing her work, however her arm would be inky for days. Fortunately she was definitely not getting answers from them and I'm definitely not lying to you all about that. But either way she was getting her work done and that's all that really matters to Patton. No matter where the help is coming from, as long as it's help, it'll help.

"Still thinking about dad?" Janus asked, pouring some water mixed with fertilizer onto one of the plants, as he shot a side-eye glance to where Patton was. Leaning on the table waiting for a reply, Janus watched as the plant feed sunk into the soil.

"How could you tell?"

Standing back up properly, Janus began moving over to the next plant, Janus sighed quietly, "You could practically smell it from here," Janus told him, scrunching his nose awkwardly as he watered the plant he was currently attending to.

Groaning quietly, Patton moved slightly yet was still sprawled out across the entire sofa, his legs and head dangling off of each side. "I'm just worried," Patton rubbed the bridge of his nose, lifting his glasses slightly off of his nose. "We haven't spent this much time apart since the accident, it's probably just getting to me," Patton attempted to reason, "I'll get over it soon,"

"Like two peas in a pod..." Janus scoffed quietly mumbling under his breath. "A little time apart might do you good," He told Patton. "It's good to take breaks," Janus put down the watering can down on the kitchen side. "Either way, you can t just sit around, he said he was going to Roman's right?"

Raising an eyebrow, Patton sat up, holding onto the back of the sofa, "I never told you that,"

"Remus told me that he's there,"

Humming in response, Patton answered Janus' question, "Yeah, you know he's there," he sat down in a more comfortable position than before so he wouldn't get leg cramps. "What about it?" He asked.

Walking into the kitchen after grabbing the watering can from the side, Janus drained the plant fertilizer/ water into the large water container. Logan liked reusing things, "It might just a be coincidence, but you are friends with Roman," Janus told him, rolling his eyes as he put the watering can away in it's cupboard.

Making his way to the sitting area, Janus sat on the edge by the end table where he had left his phone earlier. "Are you sure Roman would tell me anything?" Patton asked, turning around to sit properly.

His computer buzzed with electricity as it stared at Patton, waiting for him to actually type for once. "You'll never know till you find out," Janus gkanced over towards Patton whom was leaning on his knees.

"Yeah, you're right,"

"I know I am,"

The two sat in silence for a moment as Patton's attention was drawn towards the computer screen. The white buzzing of lesson plans, ready to be made, calling out to him to write them. Yet he didn't place even a finger on the keyboard.

Frowning as Janus looked towards Patton, "Are you going to do it or are you going to stare at that screen all day Dad?" Janus asked him, lowering his phone onto his lap.

"I think I might just look at the screen," Patton told him, his hand hovering barley above the keys of the keyboard. Hands shaking Patton squinted at it, a frown twisted upon is face as his eyes dabced around the keyboard in a violent waltz.

"Give me your phone,"

"Fine I'll do it myself," Patton gave in, slowly taking his phone out from his pocket.

Bringing up Roman's contact, the last they'd texted was around 2 weeks ago. Stuttering at the keyboard, Patton thought about what he'd say. Should he start out with a regular conversation or just ask the question without any build up to it?

Typing, Patton decided on what to text to Roman whilst Janus hovered over Patton's shoulder. Putting a little note saying that Janus says hi. Tapping the send button, Patton put the phone back into his pocket, knowing that Roman would probably not reply until later.

Sitting back into his own seat, Janus crossed his legs on the sofa, "Well, that wasn't as interesting as I thought," he told Patton.

"Of course it wouldn't Jan, he's at work," Patton replied back, glancing towards the television to see what was on at the moment: just some boring gameshow.

"Dad?" Yvette turned around in her chair to look in Janus' and Patton's direction, pausing before continuing her sentence, "I've finished my work, can I leave the table?" She asked.

"Put your homework in your bag before doing anything else first, and thank you," Patton told her, grabbing the remote and turning back up the television, promptly changing the channel to something more interesting.

Facing back towards Janus, Patton changed the subject of his thoughts, "And start to come up with something for dinner Janus," Patton stated before going back to finishing his lesson plans, Patton's back already felt the oncoming ache from leaning over for several hours.


Buzz buzz

Vibrating in his pocket, Patton took out his phone, the nodification of a text message had popped up on his homescreen. It made sense, Roman would be home around now. Though the thing is, it wasn't Roman who replied.

'Romano: Hello mi amour, it's me. My phone died a few hours ago so I couldn't text you personally. However I am feeling fine, I hope you are too. Tomorrow I'll come home, Roman managed to talk some sense into me, we have a good friend. I'll see you tomorrow love, have a good nights rest.'

Sitting up in bed, Patton held the phone in both of his hands, the phone still shaking. Or was it himself? His fingers hovered over the keyboard, the air shaking around his fingers, swaying them in the air like leaves on a windy day.

He'd wanted to talk to Logan for hours, almost a day even, but what would he even say to him now. What should he say? What is allowed to be said in this moment? 

A smile grew upon his face as his eyes locked on to the text, reading it over and over again. Even to the point of the words making no more sense in his mind.

'Patt on the back: Hi Lo, we're all looking forwards to you coming back, I'm glad Ro managed to help you. Good night Lo, I love you'

'Romano: I love you too amica mea'

Patton slept like an old man in a retirement home. He slept with a full hearted smile that night, because his world was coming home.

End Of Chapter. 1335 Words.

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