Pretty Kitty

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There's gonna a a hell lot of pet play involved and I know ya horny people don't give a rat's ass bout it lollllllllll butt I still had to mention it 😂😂


"I thought you agreed you weren't going to use your hybrid form to mess about and annoy people any more."

"It was a joke," Liam said sullenly. "It's not my fault Louis' a whiny little bitch."

"Was that a dog crack? Because I distinctly remember you promising to stop that, too."

"He kept making cat jokes until Harry made him stop."

"But he did stop, because I asked him to and because Harry asked him to, and he loves him."

"Pussy whipped," Liam muttered. Zayn's eyes flashed and Liam winced a bit. He and Zayn had been together two years, and still he couldn't break himself of the habit of running his mouth, riling Zayn up.

"I really wouldn't use that term if I were you, Liam," Zayn said. His jaw clenched.

"You're right," Liam said. He gave Zayn the big, sad eyes that had always made his mother melt and give him chocolates instead of bed without supper. "I didn't mean that."

Zayn's black brows drew together above those bright hazel eyes Liam loved. "Liam, you know I know what you're doing. You're giving me the big sad eyes so I won't be annoyed that you messed with Louis during rehearsals. Why do you still do it?"

Liam gave him a sweet smile. "Because it works."

Zayn gave a little snort of irritation. Liam kept smiling, confident in the knowledge that it was true. Zayn might be wise to Liam's sad expressions, but he fell for them every time.

"You are a very bad kitty."

Anticipation shivered through Liam's chest. The words, and the tone, and the way Zayn was closer now, close enough that Liam could catch his scent, and staring at him with that intensity that meant he wasn't seeing anything else...

"Let's go to the bedroom."

Liam nodded. He wasn't sure he could speak evenly, so he didn't try.

Liam entered the bedroom and Zayn shut the door behind them, staring from three feet away with green-eyed intensity.


Liam blinked.

"Strip," Zayn told him. "I want a good view."

"Oh," Liam said. "So I'm to pay for my sins via sex, then?"

"And a few other things," said Zayn mildly.

Liam slid out of his clothes under Zayn's eyes. He felt himself flush a little; Zayn had seen him naked hundreds of times, but to have him stand quite still and leer, taking in Liam's body as it was bared to him, without removing so much as a shoe – it was embarrassing. But embarrassing in the way that made Liam's cock twitch.

Liam unbuttoned his trousers, toed out of his socks, all while Zayn's eyes stroked up and down his body, drinking him in. Liam blushed more. Zayn's eyes slid up to his face; when they met Liam's, Zayn's expression relaxed into a filthy grin.

Zayn went to his bedside table - Liam wasn't allowed to touch it - and pulled something from the top drawer: a familiar pink collar.

Liam rolled his eyes at Zayn, trying to ignore the tension quivering through him at the sight of it. "Again?"

"It's been a while," Zayn said. "But if you find it boring - " He tapped the collar which sprouted a small, jingling silver bell. Liam's eyes widened.

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