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DDLB Ziam fluff cause We. Are. Lacking.


"Daddy...!" Liam whined from his and Zayn's shared room.

Zayn rushed over to him, heart hammering in his chest, afraid that something bad had happened to Liam. Zayn burst into the room to see Liam on the floor, tangled in his onesie, head stuck in the sleeve. He let out another whine and Zayn couldn't help but laugh, relief washing over him. He made his way to his little teddy bear. He sat down on the floor next to Liam and brought him up to his lap. Zayn then helped Liam properly wear the dark green onesie.

"Why didn't you ask me to help?" Zayn asked softly, kissing Liam atop his head.

"Din't wan to disturb daddy," Liam mumbled, burying his head in Zayn's shoulder.

Zayn huffed out a laugh and carried Liam on his hip as he stood up.

"Do you want your paci?" Zayn mumbled into Liam's hair, kissing the curly brown mess.

Liam nodded excitedly, "an' Drago pwease."

Zayn smiled softly, "Such a polite baby."

Zayn opened their bedside drawer and rummaged inside for Liam's silver pacifier. Once he found it, he popped it into Liam's mouth, who immediately started sucking. Zayn grabbed Drago, Liam's stuffed lion and handed it to him.

"Do you want to colour?" Zayn asked, walking to the living room.

Liam's eyes expanded as he nodded, cuddling Drago tighter. Zayn got out a colouring book and some crayons. He set Liam down on the floor and placed the colouring book in front of him. Liam started scribbling on the book with a red crayon.

"What are you drawing?" Zayn asked, trying to peek through the arm that was blocking his view of the book.

"It's a surprise!" Liam said, his words muffled because of the pacifier in his mouth.

Zayn smiled and nodded, giving Liam a small kiss on the temple.

Zayn got the papers from his office and sat opposite Liam. He resumed his work and soon the house was silent except for the scratching of Zayn's pen against the paper and Liam softly humming to himself.

Not long later, Liam brought his completed drawing to Zayn's face. The drawing had two men, one in what seemed like leather and the other in a onesie. The latter was petting a puppy, or what looked like a puppy.

"It's me and daddy!" Liam exclaimed excitedly, "And a puppy that daddy is going to buy me!"

Zayn grinned at Liam, "It's amazing, sweetheart."

Liam smiled proudly.

"But when have I said that I was going to buy you a puppy?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

Liam's eyes widened as if he had just been caught doing something wrong. He pouted and frowned.

"B-but... daddy...!" Liam whined, "I-I've been a good boy!"

"Have you now?" Zayn smiled slightly.

Liam's bottom lip quivered, "P-pwease daddy?"

Zayn narrowed his eyes as if considering whether or not to get Liam a puppy.

"Hmm... we'll see," Zayn said, kissing Liam gently.

"Hmph," Liam huffed.

"Let's go hang this up okay?" Zayn asked, carrying Liam in his arms, placing his pacifier back in his mouth where it had fallen out.


"I can't believe you actually got me a puppy," Liam said, looking at the brown ball of fluff with comically large ears in his arms.

Zayn grinned, "A cute puppy for an adorable little pup."

"What's his name?" Liam asked, not paying attention to Zayn's statement, scratching behind the puppy's ear, making it purr.

"Whatever you want it to be," Zayn said, looking at Liam scratching the puppy with an amused grin on his face.

"Woody?" Liam suggested, looking at Zayn who rolled his eyes.

"Loki?" Liam tried again, looking at the puppy which was peering at him curiously with its wide black eyes.

Zayn just huffed out a laugh and shook his head.

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