Wanna Jump Real Hard (With Someone Like You) III

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It had been months since he'd had felt this bad, and he knew that he was on the verge of a panic attack.

His heart was squeezing in his chest, his stomach felt as though it was going to fall to his feet and he was barely able to keep back the tears that were hot behind his eyes.

His fingers were fumbling with his keys, and then he dropped them and that was when Liam Payne couldn't hold back the sob in his throat.

His eyes widened in horror, hearing it bounce off the walls of the hallway with how loud it had been, which just made him feel worse and he ducked down so fast he felt dizzy, to snatch up the keys from the ground and quickly straighten back up, shaking his head to try and clear his eyes as he finally grasped the right key and shoved it into the lock.

It was strange the way as soon as he opened the front door and greedily sucked in a breath of air from inside Zayn Malik's apartment that he immediately felt himself calm down, just a little.

It wasn't much, but it was enough for his breathing to start coming under control, gulping down a few lungful's of air, the first proper mouthfuls that he had gotten since he had left his aunt's apartment, her sympathetic gaze and his father's critical eyes glued to his back as he had walked away from them.

Liam knew that Zayn was at work, he had known that he wouldn't be here, and he purposefully hadn't text him to tell him that his father had shown up at his aunts place completely unannounced, and that he had triggered Liam's anxiety.

It was stupid—he hated that Geoff Payne triggered such a reaction from him.

He hated that he got so anxious and panicky and it was as though he could feel the walls closing in on him, flashing back to when he was just a kid and he had nowhere to escape to and no way to get away from his father other than when he was due back at boarding school, no support other than from Niall, his best friend, and the empathetic looks from his silent mother—except...

Now he had somewhere to go, somewhere he felt safe, where he felt loved, and instead of listening to his father and whatever he had to say after storming in and beginning with, 

'Your mother has informed me that you're planning on bringing this Malik boy to the Christmas event. Really, Liam, is it not bad enough that you parade around with a man in your life, but I will not have you bring him to a charity event of mine—'

That had been when Liam had abruptly shoved back from the table and left without a word.

He didn't even know how Geoff had known that he was going to be at his aunt's, from his aunt's surprised expression when the housekeeper had come in to announce him just moments before he had strode into the room, to her horrified, tight-lipped expression when he begun speaking, Liam knew that she wouldn't have intentionally had told him that Liam was going to be there.

It might have been his mother though, he had mentioned to her at their weekly lunch the other day that he was going to be having brunch with his aunt today.

She wouldn't have done it with any kind of malicious intent, but even after all of these years, and everything that they had been through, she just didn't seem to see that Geoff never had Liam's best interests at heart.

Liam's breathing began to pick up again and his body suddenly felt a flash of heat before feeling sweat-sticky under his arms and at his lower back and he began pulling at his clothes as he kicked off his shoes, just wanting to get free from the restrictive bonds.

His clothes were made of some of the best materials, and yet they just felt scratchy and oppressive against his skin as he carelessly dropped his Dolce & Gabbana jacket on the ground and didn't bother lining up his Chelsea boots like he was usually so careful with, and tears started flowing down his overheated cheeks as he pulled at his long sleeved shirt underneath it, yanking it over his head and then letting out an upset, impatient noise through his nose as he pulled harder.

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