Delicate Princess

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I had my eyes on you before I even knew your name. I knew that I had to have you. I didn't care that you were a mess, I didn't care that you weren't into BDSM. All I cared about was making you mine. The submissive in you showed through to me, though I never let you see. I knew it'd cross a boundary that I didn't think you'd like touched. But, you touched that boundary, crossed it, before I'd even known that you knew what it meant

I didn't expect you to change for me, but knowing that you loved me enough to want to be involved in this with me only made me love you more.

For you are my love, pure and simple. I know where you belong, and in turn, I know where I belong. You were a light, shining into my darkest tunnel and for saving me from myself I thank you.

I will spend every moment of forever cherishing you. For you, my little princess, are delicate and deserve only the best, most amazing things in the world.~

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Thisss brilliamly created edittt isss byyyy @liampaynethebaby go checkkkk herrr bookkk of absolutelyyy amazayynnn editsss!!!!! Yuppppp peopleee pureeee talenttttt hereeee 😂✊

Happpyyyy readingggg xxx


When I met Liam, he was a hot mess. He had the makings of being a wonderful person, but he couldn't get a grasp on himself. He was painfully shy. I remembered watching him from afar as he stumbled his way through his classes, carefully avoiding all social interaction. He was beautiful, completely enchanting in a way that I'd never encountered. He had these wide, deep brown eyes, and this curly brown hair with the palest skin I'd ever seen. He was so fucking perfect.

Liam had this energy around him that made him almost electric. I was drawn to him, shamefully so. I hadn't been able to take my eyes off of him.

I'd been watching him for months when I finally managed to catch his attention. He worked at this little coffee shop, that was where he'd first caught my attention so I suppose it was only fitting that I'd catch his in the same place. It was a busy day and the baristas were a bit behind, I'd been waiting over an hour for a cup of coffee. I remember walking up to the counter, putting my hand on it, and telling him that I had to be at work and that I was already late.

He'd taken those alluring brown eyes off of his coffee maker and had proceeded to trip over his tongue for five minutes before handing me a coffee. The next week, every time I walked through the door, he'd have my coffee waiting for me. It wasn't long after that, that I asked him to go on a date with me. It had taken some time, but he agreed and we ended up having a lovely time. It took about five months for him to be able to say a full sentence to me that wasn't stuttered out.

Now, five years later, Liam talks my ears off for hours. If I get him started, lord knows I'm never going to hear the end of it. Though, considering he'd tiptoed around me for months, I didn't mind it.

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