Happy Birthday, pet

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There's nothing quite like being in positions like these, Liam Payne thought to himself. He had been tied to the bed for what seemed like hours now, his arms cuffed to the headboard and his legs spread apart, restraints making sure they stayed that way. He couldn't even tell if he was being watched or not; Zayn had Liam wear a blindfold. It was his birthday, after all, and Zayn wanted to surprise him. Even so, the uncertainty of whether or not he was being watched turned Liam on even more. Not like he could do anything about it, anyway. Just because it was his birthday didn't mean that there wouldn't be consequences for touching himself without permission.

Liam had been looking forward to this all week. The day before, he had gone out when Zayn was at work to purchase a red, silky body bow from one of the shops. The moment he put it on, he knew he looked good, and he knew it would drive Zayn crazy. It wrapped around each curve of his body, accentuating and complimenting his features, showcasing his abs and hanging just over his member. Of course, Zayn being the sadist that he was had to take it a step further by tying a velvety piece of ribbon tightly around the base of Liam's cock before leaving him in this, well, compromising position.

Zayn didn't have to say anything for Liam to know he was in the room with him. He could hear his lover's footsteps walk through the door, and continue to pace back and forth by the foot of the bed. On top of that, he could practically feel the gaze of Zayn's hazel eyes bear into every inch of his skin.

"Happy birthday, pet," Zayn purred in a low voice. Just hearing the seductive tone from the older man caused Liam to shudder in anticipation.

"Thank you, sir," responded Liam in a near whisper. Even with the blindfold, he couldn't stop himself from attempting to look around. He knew Zayn had probably bought him something special for his birthday, some sort of new toy, and he wanted to know what it was. Zayn noticed this, and just chuckled in amusement.

"What? Are you excited to find out what I bought for you?" Zayn let his hand drag across the bed and over Liam's thigh, causing a small jolt from the brunette. Being put on display like this, not being able to see anything, all of Liam's senses were heightened. Even the tips of Zayn's fingers gently brushing across his leg felt practically electrifying. If he was this much of a mess with just that, he knew he would hardly be able to take all of the teasing Zayn was about to do to him. But, he knew better than to complain, instead opting to nod eagerly in response to the dominant male's question.

"Good boy. You look so pretty, Liam." Zayn let his hand travel over Liam's body more, ceasing only to lightly tug at the red satin fabric of the ribbon wrapped around his tanned skin. The brunet whimpered quietly as the other male's fingers traced over his body, dragging across his chest to just briefly brush over his nipples. It wasn't until the older man's fingertips traveled down, running lightly over Liam's erect member that caused the brunet to let out a high pitched whine. He arched his back into Zayn's touch, wanting- no, needing more. He needed to feel more of Zayn's touch, and he needed to be filled.

"S-sir," Liam stuttered, losing his patience more and more with each second of Zayn's teasing. "I need more!"

"Oh? You're not even going to ask nicely? Why should I reward a pet who's being rude?" Zayn tutted as he pulled his hand from Liam's body. "I won't punish you yet, since it's your birthday, but I at least expect you to ask politely." The brunette whimpered, wanting more than anything to be able to see his lover's face, and especially wanting to see what he had planned for Liam, but he knew that, for now at least, the blindfold was staying on.

"Please, sir," Liam began, his voice shaking just slightly. He wasn't used to dirty talking yet; that was mostly left to Zayn, but he needed it so badly in that moment that he was willing to be reduced to any type of begging. "I need you inside me. Please, fuck me until the only thing I know how to say is your name-" Zayn's hand wrapping around the brunette's cock was what interrupted Liam, causing him to gasp in a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

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