Kissing Booth

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"You will not drag me on this, Louis! It is you who signed up for this!" Liam angrily stomped away from his best friend who has been constantly bugging him for 3 days, 2 hours, 54 minutes, and 8... 9 seconds.

"Liam, come on! I just need someone to sit on our club's booth. Harry backed out," Louis explained for nearly a hundredth time.

"May I remind you that I don't want any involvement in this school's intramurals. Louis, I'm too shy for that. I don't want to sport bloody red ears in front of many people and for what? Me being kissed for some money that goes to your club. I won't even have a share of it. Do you think I would give my precious kiss for some small money? These lips," he pouts. "These lips are not for sale." He finally snapped after a lot of holding in, after a lot of patience consuming him. It drained him physically.

Louis looked at him boredly, clearly mocking him. "You? Someone would kiss you?" His best friend chuckled. "Someone would pay to kiss you? Liam, you are barely known in this campus and yeah, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it is good. You will just have to sit there."

"Am I that ugly, you doofus?!"

Louis waved both his hands. "No, no, no. You are not! It's just that you aren't famous and it is Harry they were expecting, you know. It is just a peck on the cheek." Louis sat on the middle of the corridor. Liam swears his best friend is so dramatic. "But I have to push through with this booth or the Student Council will be up on our asses for a vacant space."

"Why won't you or any of your club members volunteer, Lou?" he asked.

Louis dragged his face down in exasperation. "I told you. We won't be around on that day. Just for that day. We really can't pull anyone. You'll just be there for 6 hours, Liam. We'll pay you."

He raised a brow. "No one's gonna kiss me because they are expecting Harry."

Louis nodded.

"You give me free food and drinks?"

Louis nodded. "Everyday for a month."

"You will pay me the minimum wage?"

Louis nodded.

He smiled and extended a hand to his Oscar-Winning best friend. "We have a deal."

Louis accepted his hand and smiled widely at him.


"Or not?"


° ○ ° ○ ° ○ ° During the intramurals ° ○ ° ○ ° ○ °

Liam is sitting, sometimes standing, behind the flimsy booth made by the SuperGlue Club, Let's Stay Sticky Together. It is actually a small circle peer club and their booth is placed on the furthest.

The small fair is quite festive and the buzzing of students fill the air. He can even smell the food from the other booths, hear the laughters of students as they played.

Actually, he has no plan going to school during intrams even though he fancies football.

He is quite surprised and delighted that no one throws a look at the Kissing Booth. He already told Louis it was a bad idea. But well, when did Louis listen to him?

Although he really did not wish anyone to visit the booth because he does not want to be kissed by complete strangers, he is quite offended. 'Am I really that uninteresting?' he thought to himself.

He looked at his watch. The sun's heat is starting to mellow down.

Liam was resting his cheek on his palm, and closed his eyes for a bit. He is quite tired and it is draining to be exposed to a lot of people.

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