A Man Like Zayn Malik

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No one knows a man like Zayn Malik.

He's mysterious. He's cold, sometimes hot. He's nice, sometimes bastard. He's wise, sometimes smart. He's intense, sometimes profound.

He's a man without a heart but is not entirely ruthless. He's a man not without a mind though is not absolutely clever. He's a man without the gentleness but is with softness.

He's a man of conviction, action. He's man of his own principles.

He's the embodiment, incarnation, and living organism of the word cryptic.

That's that. Zayn Malik. He's a man.

Come to think of it, all the adjectives true to mankind — gorgeous, gorgeous and gorgeous.

True, Zayn is gorgeous — that's already given.

Yes, Zayn is gorgeous — that's already been established.

Really, Zayn is gorgeous — that's an endless cycle.

Zayn is gorgeous. That's it.

With all the polar opposites and all the similar resemblances — no one, begrudgingly, knows a man like Zayn Malik.

Not even one Liam Payne.

Though the reason? Definitely not important.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know a man like Zayn Malik

Even beneath his incredible physique, charming facial attributes, and contrasting facial masks — Zayn is oddly so captivating.

He doesn't know the man but he knows a man.

He assures he'll know him by the end, come what may.


"Hi, Zayn"

Liam was barely given a glance as Zayn passes by him to get to his house, carrying a bag of groceries.

Though there was no smile on his face, Liam can see the remnants of friendliness in his hazel eyes. He gazes sincere but not too showy. Dressed in comfortable knit sweaters to save him from the cold air and Liam's unrelenting stares.

Liam let the silence stretch for a bit longer as he looks at the man before him.

Masked. He can say that about him. Zayn hides what he truly feels. Private about who he really is. 

Intense. There's the obvious intensity in his aura but bizarrely leveled out by conformity. 

Appealing. He's captivating. A feature about the man Liam can agree with others.

Zayn is a man of routine. And by now, Liam had it memorized in mind.

On Mondays, he take out the trash. Cleans his yard and his car. On Tuesdays, takes care of his flowers and plants so softly, lovingly—Liam loves this routine.On Wednesdays, he goes grocery shopping. On Thursdays and Fridays, he exercises and works out. On Saturdays, he bakes pies and cakes. On Sundays, he sleeps in.

He's not afraid to admit he'd been watching him for weeks now. Trying to get to know him from afar before making a move to get to know him up close—the time has come for that.

Especially when all he got to learn from the distance was the routine that never changes nor adjusts.

"I'm Liam Payne" he introduced, just in case Zayn doesn't know him.

"I know who you are" Zayn Malik is not an exemption.

Despite the dismissing tone, Liam smiled. He likes the sound of his voice. Gruff, manly, and just the right amount husky.

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