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Not mine, credits go the owner.

Summary: Liam is frustrated about Zayn being distant to him and not doing his "chores" and always being busy, a "fight" breaks out and the rest is history ;)


liam was infuriated. livid. why can't zayn ever just help around the damn house without having to be told?

okay, maybe that's not exactly why liam is so mad. lately, zayn and liam have been less zaynandliam and more liam. . . . . and maybe zayn. they don't go on dates anymore. they don't attend places together anymore. liam doesn't even know the last time they made love, let alone kissed.

because of this, liam was always trying to find a way to be mad at the raven haired boy. anything that slightly bothered him would turn into a full on argument.

zayn wasn't any different. with all the stress of work and making sure there was a fucking house under his fiancé's stubborn head, he wasn't exactly the same charming and witty lad liam had fallen in love with. he was stressed and tired all of the time, so when liam started complaining about shit like "you left clothes all over the bathroom floor, is it so hard to pick them up when you're done showering?" or "why are there footprints on the couch? why on earth would you put your shoes on the furniture, zayn? are you the one who's going to clean it up?" needless to say, it was aggravating.

he would always brush it off and tell liam he was tired, but liam would go off about how he's never home, doesn't wash dishes, blah blah blah. zayn was a bit too busy making the money that pays for the fucking bills in this flat.

so then they're both arguing, and then usually liam storms off somewhere and zayn stays on the couch, even being so tired, he couldn't sleep anywhere knowing his liam wasn't happy, especially when he's the reason why.

liam would then go to their room and act asleep, and zayn would come in the room moments later and pretend to think that liam is asleep, when he knows liam snores like a bear. nonetheless, zayn will crawl in bed next to liam and wrap an arm around him, waiting to hear the snores that signals everything is okay for now, before he drifts off to sleep himself.

but tonight, tonight was different.

liam was washing dishes while dancing to justin timberlake when he heard the door open. he pretends he didn't hear, and begins to sway his hips gently.

zayn watches his lover move from side to side, and feels an ache in his heart. he wants to put his own hands on those hips; help them move from side to side on him. he wants to kiss that neck and hear the sweet sounds coming out of liam's mouth, sweeter than any music he could ever dance to. he wants to kiss those pretty lips, he wants to see those lips stretched out on his own--

zayn stops that thought when liam turns around with his hands on his hips. those sinful hips.

"are you going to stand there and watch me wash the dishes you're making or are you going to help me? or are you too tired?" liam raises an eyebrow sassily.

zayn's arousal is replaced with frustration. "are you going to say hi before you start ordering me around the house, mum?" zayn spits.

"i'm sorry, i forgot there was such a thing as a greeting. haven't had one in, like, a month."

"well, maybe if you gave one out, you'd get one in return. ever think about that?" zayn fumes.

liam scoffs. "great. so i have to clean the rooms, do the laundry, wash the dishes, and say hi to your lazy ass first when you walk through the door and watch me do chores? i'm beginning to think you find pleasure in watching me doing the things you're too 'tired' to do."

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