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It was when Liam was a freshie.

His goal then was to stay unnoticeable, do his part when he is asked to and just get on with it.

On his first day of class, he chose to sit on the furthermost corner of the room.

He never liked to talk a lot.

Whenever he is asked, he answers. But that's just it. He feels that if he goes on with a conversation, it would just be so awkward. And ending a conversation? It is both a nightmare and a blessing.

So, he was resolved to stay lowkey. Stay as nobody. It would be perfect that way.

It was in his third period subject when he knew his dream of having a peaceful academic stay in the university has come to an end before it even started.

He chose to take arts as an elective course. Between studying world culture and language, he chose where he could relax.

Or so he thought.

Like the other two subjects, he sat on the furthermost seat. He wanted no one to bother him, no one to look at his weird drawings (because he sucks) and no one to talk (because he sucks at talking too).

The teacher was an old bubbly maiden. While she was discussing the classroom rules, on the 14th rule, the 'do not be late' rule, someone opened the door harshly.

Liam did not bother to look at the cause, the least of his concerns.

It was the least of his concerns until it was not.

"Zayn Malik, you are late again!" Not so bubbly?

Again, the least of his concerns. He focused more on the doodles he is making. This is art class right?

"Ma'am! How did you memorize my name quickly?!"

"You-! You were late in the earlier class you had with me, mister. Now, why were you late?"

He heard some giggles and snickers from his classmates.

"Ma'am, don't stress yourself that much. You look beautiful. What a waste would it be if you frown," the dude said.

"Don't be late again next time. We only meet twice a week. You only have seven absences-" the prof went on discussing what she discussed about attendance.

"Yes, maam! Yes, maam!"

"Take your seat."

"Thank you beautiful maam!"

Sweet talker, Liam frowned.

"Hey, classmate."

Please, god, not beside me! Not beside me! Anyone but a loud classmate besi-

The chair dragged noisily as a man sat beside him. "Hey, classmate, I-"

He turned to look at the annoying man who was taking to him.

"Oh!" The annoying man exclaimed.

'Oh!' He exclaimed in his mind.

The man had a tan complexion. His hair is pushed back. The two buttons of his white dress shirt were unbuttoned. His collar disarray.

His tea spilled on his desk a little. His eyes bright. And his smile beautiful. He is handsome.

Again, the least of his concerns.

He averted his gaze and turned back to his doodles.

"Oh, a quiet seatmate. What's your name, Liam?"

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