I found a love

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Zayn: 19
Liam: 18

Zayn sat on the bench outside his school, one knee on the bench and the other tapping on the concrete sidewalk. He isolated himself from the other students who were only a few yards away. He never ate lunch, so he sat out on the bench listening to music. His headphones were in and he was playing Ed Sheeran Kiss me. All he was thinking about was that he would never fall in love. No one to love. No one to hold or kiss.

Zayn was considered a 'bad-boy' so people didn't exactly walk up to him and ask to go out. And the entire school knew he was gay. Just because he was a 'bad-boy' it didn't mean people didn't notice him because they did but they just didn't want him. No boy did.

Zayn was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard someone sit down on the bench next to him. He perked up from his lap and saw a beautiful boy sitting right next to him, looking at him. The boy had light brown hair that was slightly curly but more straight than anything. He had chocolate eyes that shone with excitement and acceptance. His skin was tan and his muscles, which weren't huge but decent, were obvious through his black tee-shirt. He wore black skinny jeans and black and white convers.

"Hey, I'm Liam Payne." The boy held his hand out but put it back with a shy smile when he realized Zayn wasn't going to shake his hand. "I heard your name was Zayn? Zayn Malik? Am I correct or am I rambling to the wrong person?" Liam chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood but because Zayn was Zayn and because he liked being a 'bad-boy' he had to keep his act up.

"And you decided to disrupt me because?" Zayn snapped but when he saw Liam's kicked puppy eyes it pulled at the strings of his heart. But he couldn't be nice now, not after that and besides, he's a 'bad-boy' he thought to himself.

"Mrs. Stingson wanted me to ask if you'd be my t-tutor." Liam's gaze faltered down to his lap and it looked like he was.... sad? After Zayn didn't answer because he didn't know what he was supposed to say to that Liam looked back up with a sad look. "Will you? I-I'm be-behind." Zayn felt his heart swell when he heard Liam stutter. It was sweet and cute but Zayn pushed those thoughts away because he can't find anyone cute..... not matter how much Liam resembled a puppy with those big brown ey- No! Zayn yelled at himself before looking back at Liam who was looking up at him with puppy dog eyes and a pout.

"Sure. Mrs. Stingson likes me anyways, gotta play my cards right to keep it that way." Zayn played it off like he was being forced but he couldn't deny how much he wanted to make Liam smile after he saw it. His smile was cute and loving.

"Can you come to mine after school?" Liam asked, his eyes hopeful and it took almost all Zayn had not to jump him right there because he was so vulnerable looking. Zayn just wanted to hold him and protect him from everything.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Zayn didn't smile, if anything his face was twisted in either disgust or annoyance and it obviously hurt Liam but he couldn't let Liam see the real him. No one could see him like that, at least that's what Zayn believed.

* After school *

The bell rang and Zayn stood up, packing his supplies and walking out of the room and the first thing he saw was Liam being held up against a locker, Kevin from a year above Liam's was holding him there. Zayn was in the same year as Kevin.

Because Zayn was a 'bad-boy' and in year 12 and having never stood up for anyone, so when he walked up from behind Kevin people started to huddled around them.

"What the fuck do you think you're doin?" Zayn spat at Kevin who turned to him, still holding Liam by his collar, now in front of him and between himself Zayn.

"Oh!! Zayn! Why don't you join?" Kevin laughed lightly but shut his trap when he saw the rage in Zayn's eyes. A few of Kevin's 'crew' came to stand by Kevin from the 'crowd' and while they looked menacing to the crowd they looked weak in Zayn's eyes.

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