A cheek to lick on

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Author: Ziam22 

Source: AO3


Zayn's the kind of guy who licks his stuff to mark his territory.

Words: 4860

P.s this is actually one of my faves, it's just so cute and fluffy and justt amazaaayynnnn, hope you like it as much as I do <3


Everyone meets when they enter First grade. Zayn's already gone and chosen a seat in the corner of the room, near a book shelf, which he can't stop staring at, sneaking small glances at those words full of wonders and adventures. He does look away though, only once, to look towards who started making this awful screeching noise.

He sees a boy, gripping onto his dads leg, mouth wide and screaming, eyes shut and tears escaping, brown soft hair dripping on his forehead.

"Liam," The man says gently, trying to pry Liam off him, "Liam, please. I'll be here to pick you up later, ok, I promise. Please, let go, I'll be late to work, and then I'll be in big trouble. You're safe here, baby."

The little boy seemed to get distracted by listening to his fathers words that the teacher, Mrs. Roushdy (or whatever, Zayn wasn't really paying attention, too busy trying to find a peaceful spot), snatched him right up into her arms and the screaming began again.

Zayn looked around and noticed that he wasn't the only one staring at the kid. Everyone in the room had stopped their movements to stare at the boy in the teachers arms who was clawing at her face and trying to get away from her so he could go back to his dad, but the dad, he was already leaving the room, suit in tact, briefcase in hand, and door closing.

The teacher put the kid down and went to say hello to the other parents, apologizing for the noise. Zayn rolled his eyes and looked back to the books only to have a brown haired, blue eyed boy come into gaze instead.

"Hi, is anyone sitting here?" The boy gave Zayn a big toothy grin.

Zayn shrugged.

"Not much a talker, are ya??" He asked and didn't get a reply, "Well, I'm Louis."

Zayn huffed, "Zayn."

"It's a pleasure to meet ya!" Louis glowed, smile getting bigger, if that was even possible, and it was. "Did you see that kid? The one who was crying? Did you hear how loud he was? Wowza."

Zayn turned his head to the boy again, some still staring at him. The boy was curled up into himself, his shoes facing each other, and tears silently streaming down his face as he chewed softly on his sleeve. He looked sad, and vulnerable, and Zayn couldn't take it anymore, wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't make the boy smile at least a little.

He got up, Louis quickly following, and walked towards the boy. Although, once the brown eyed boy saw him, his eyes became wider and he looked, frightened.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt ya." Zayn said, seeing the boy visibly relax, "I'm Zayn."

"And I'm Louis." Louis stepped in, his grin back on.

The boy sniffled, wiping at his eyes with his spit covered shirt, "L-Liam." He said in a voice that Zayn barely heard.

"It's nice to meet you, Liam." Louis said. "Wanna come sit with us?"

Liam smiled and nodded, following Louis to their table. He sat down on the other side of Zayn, keeping a fair amount of distance.

"Alright children, find a seat, quickly, quickly." Mrs. Roushdy announced, hurrying the kids who were running everywhere trying to find somewhere to sit.

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