Cheating V

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Liam's shivering hand came up and pulled a sweaty strand of hair out of Zayn's eyes as he smiled, the softest smile Zayn'd ever seen on Liam, he looked like he was about to speak, about to say something.

Then the door swung open.

And Louis was staring down at them.

Silence filled the room. Horrible horrible silence. And fuck, Zayn was still inside Liam, and Louis could see. Fuck.

Behind him, the door clicked shut, his blank glazed over eyes widening as he seemed to understand what was going on.

"Oh," was all he said, still unmoving.

"Louis!" Shouted Liam in horror, shoving Zayn off him, and fuck, they were both naked and Louis knew, and Zayn was paralysed, because he was going to tell Harry, who was going to tell Kendal, who was going to tell Gigi— and they were all going to hate him.

"You're... With him..." Said Louis, as if to reiterate it to himself. And then affirming it, "You're sleeping with Zayn." He was sure now, anger bubbling up as clear as the dawn on the horizon.

"You fucked him!" Louis snapped, horrified at his own words.

"Louis— Louis, keep your voice down," whispered Liam, creeping closer, still complexity nude, cum dribbling down his thigh.

"You— We— I— " Spluttered Louis. And then a little quieter, "He was the one Niall caught you with... That's why you had his clothes..."

"Yes," said Liam, voice breaking a little, "Louis...Please..."

"How many times... How many times did you— did you fuck him— how many times after we started dating?"

Liam didn't say anything, which translated to enough times that I feel to guilty to tell you.

And then, in a voice Zayn hadn't heard since he knew the Wolverhampton boy, he said, "I didn't mean to."

And it was the truth, because he'd never started anything with Zayn, he'd just let it happen. And oh God, this was all Zayn's fault, he couldn't even pretend to blame Liam for that.

"We stopped, I swear, we stopped when you and I... But..." Liam's voice was so shaken, it was the worst thing Zayn'd ever heard. It was hard to feel anything but sympathy for Liam, which was strange, especially when Louis' eyes softened, staring. And then Louis' fury turned to him, those blaring dark blue eyes burning into his soul.

"And what's your fucking excuse, Zayn? Gigi wasn't enough for you?"

"Please don't tell her," it was Liam. Liam reaching out and clutching Louis' shoulder.

"Why shouldn't I?" He sneered still staring at Zayn, "She deserves to know... Do you, do you fucking know what this feels like?"

No one spoke, Zayn clutched the bedsheet higher across his torso.

"Zayn, you're my fucking friend, and you looked me in the eye and lied to me, you fucked my boyfriend and you didn't give a shit." And then he paused turning to Liam, "And you..." His eyes softened with his tone, "How could you?"

"You can't tell Gigi," whispered Liam, "I— Everybody loves her, she's The Zayn Malik's future bride, and if... If they find out... They'll hate me... They won't care about Zayn, it'll be me they hate... it'll be me who'll take all the blame, and I can't—" Liam stopped and looked away. "I'm so sorry, Louis... You deserved better..."

"Nobody deserves to feel like this, especially not Gigi," said Louis, eyes back on Zayn. Zayn ducked his head, focussing away from Louis. He was so right, Zayn knew that deep inside, or at least, he was coming to realise how much he was hurting Gigi without her even knowing. But it couldn't count, he wasn't gay. He wasn't. There was no way he felt the same way about Liam, a bloke he hated— hates— than he felt about beautiful perfect Gigi. Except... Except his mind kept forcing pictures of him and Liam, just a few minutes prior. He felt sick. He was going to vomit.

"What? You don't have anything to say for yourself?" Snapped Louis.

Zayn shook his head, hair falling over his face.

"Zayn..." Liam said, voice low and careful, "I think you should leave."

Zayn wasn't sure what he wanted at that moment, he didn't want to stay, in all honestly all he wanted was the run away and pretend it had never happened. But he wasn't sure he could move.

"Zayn..." Liam said, desperation dripping from his tone, a plea, helpless, begging like he didn't know what else to do. Zayn hated it so much, he wanted to rewind time to five minutes ago when he had Liam in his arms, staring up at him with those glossy brown eyes.

He stood, slow, his head going fuzzy as he did, fumbling for his boxers, pulling them up his hips as he walked. Refusing to look back, refusing to listen to the voices as he entered the bathroom, passing through in a daze to his own room, Gigi still asleep on his bed, her snoring now muted.

He crawled in carefully beside her, still the faint haze of voices audible from the next room.

"Zayn?" She said groggily, eyes still squeezed shut as he curled his body around her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, go back to sleep," he whispered into her hair.


Here ya go! Thank me later 😏😂

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