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"That show was wicked awesome," Harry exclaims as they all crowd into the hotel elevator to head up to their rooms.

"Tell us for the millionth time, Haz," Louis says with a little bite in his voice, although he's smiling and his eyes are bright with amusement, and more than a little fond.

"Piss off," Harry says good naturedly, grinning so widely his dimples show prominently.

It hadbeen a great show. Which is why Liam doesn't understand the way Zayn's looking at him right now, dark and intense in a way that Liam knows means that Zayn's gonna be pushing him into his room the second they get off this elevator.

"Yeah," Zayn mutters. "Liam had a damn good time, didn't he? Pouring water all over himself like we was at a damn wet t-shirt contest."

The boys all laugh, but Liam knows that he's in trouble.

"The girls loved it," Niall says. "Wish I could make them scream like that."

"I actually thought I was going to go deaf this time," Louis grumbles at the same time that Harry says, "But you canmake girls scream, we can hear them through the walls at night sometimes."

That makes all of them, even Zayn, laugh until their sides ache. The elevator arrives, and Liam's shocked when Zayn goes off on his own, brushing Liam off when Liam offers to come with.

Liam went off with the rest of the lads to Louis's room, but he's only half into what's going on. He smiles half heartedly when he's supposed to, but he can't really pay attention when all he can think about is Zayn and whether or not everything is alright.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Louis cries out, voice so loud that Liam jumps and looks up in alarm.

"What's wrong?"

"You, Payno," Niall says, clapping him on the back.

Liam looks away guiltily. He had sort of been ignoring them. "Sorry boys. I'm just, stuck in my head a bit, yeah? I'm fine though, promise."

"Come off it," Harry scoffs. Then in a softer tone he says, "It's Zayn, yeah? He's had enough time to cool off, you should go talk to him."

They don't talk much about whatever it is between him and Zayn, but all the boys (and he suspects half their staff) must know that something's going on. They cover for them, but no one ever talks about it out loud, so Liam blushes.

"Well, uh, I might do that," Liam murmurs, looking at his fingertips.

"C'mon, get outta here and go talk to your man," Niall says encouragingly, smiling widely as he says it.

"Yeah, and no hickies this time, we've got a photoshoot tomorrow," Louis scolds.

Harry grins. "Lou was so pissed last time."

Liam can't help but laugh. "Yeah, I know." He pauses, then, "You really think I should go talk to him?"

Louis rolls his eyes. "We'll kick you out if you don't leave."

Harry pushes at Louis's shoulder. "That's rude, Louis." But he pronounces it like "Lewis", and it's funny how that never stops irritating Louis.

"What these idiots mean to say is, we hope you work it out." Niall pats Liam on the shoulder, and Liam smiles as Harry and Louis nod their agreement.

Liam stands up, and leaves his bandmates to discuss whether or not Harry and Louis are really idiots because Niall's done a lot of really dumb things, which probably invalidates his right to say anything about anyone.

Liam practically runs down the hall, and taps lightly on Zayn's door. When that gets no response, he knocks harder, and his heart beats nervous and fast as he waits for Zayn to answer it. Liam half wonders if Zayn's gone to sleep, or isnt even in his room, but then he hears the murmur of Zayn's voice and the patter of his feet on the carpet, and some of the nervous tension melts out of his body.

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