All or Nothing

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Y/N's POV:

     When I woke up in the morning, it was because I felt a large weight on me as well as the sun beaming down onto my face. I groaned and lifted my hand up to cover my eyes as I glanced down to see Leo and Luna laid on top of my stomach while Akiza had her head resting on my shoulders as she had her arm draped across my ribs. 'Why is everyone on top of meeee?' I thought as I just laid there and stared up at the roof since I didn't want to wake up the people that were piled on top of me. Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door before it opened to reveal Calvin, signaling him to be quiet as he raised and eyebrow at me in confusion, "I don't wanna wake them up." I whispered/yelled at my best friend, watching as he chuckled and shook his head while he crossed his arms over his chest.

     "They're awake though." He said as I blinked a few times and looked down at the three people that laid on top of me only to see them sit up while they tried to stifle their laughter once they knew I caught them, "We didn't want to wake you up." Akiza said in between her laughs as the twins nodded in agreement as they continued to laugh. I rolled my eyes at them but smiled and sat up which caused all of them to groan since they knew it was time to get up. "Come on, Pharaoh, you can't be lazy all day." Amara teased as she peeked into the room as I rolled my eyes at her but sent her a smile, "Morning to you too, Amara." I said as I walked to where the clothes were at and grabbed some before going to change in the bathroom, walking back out when I finished and headed over to the desk to put on the jewelry again. "Need help?" Turning to see Akiza smiling at me as I chuckled softly and shrugged, handing her a golden necklace which she took and stood behind me while I sat down in the chair in front of the desk and began putting on the golden jewelry on my arms and hands while Akiza put on the golden necklace.

     Once I was done getting ready along with the twins and Akiza, we left my room with Amara and Calvin, heading to the kitchen to see it was semi-full. I then heard my name being called, looking off to the side to see Jaden and the rest of my friends waving us over to them, nudging Calvin and the others I was with to follow me over to them. "Morning Y/NN." Jaden said as he got up from his seat and hugged me, smiling at him as I returned the hug, "So, Cap, any plans for today?" Chazz asked as I sighed and tapped my chin, "Well, I'm probably gonna have to ask some of my guards to go down to grab the Millennium Rod and maybe upgrade the protection for the Millennium Ring. I refuse to have Zack get his hands on it." I explained as I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning to see Uncle Ryou and Uncle Duke standing there with trays in their hands. "Morning Kiddo, already getting ready to start giving people orders?" Uncle Duke asked as he served everyone some food while I shrugged and rubbed the back of my neck, "Mmm, not really but I really don't feel like going toe to toe with Zorc just yet." Seeing Uncle Ryou agree as he patted my shoulder.

     "I agree so it's best to be ready in case anything happens. Which means you gotta have all your strength for when that happens." Uncle Ryou stated as he motioned me to sit down as well as the five people I was with, all of us doing what the man had suggested while Uncle Duke served us food. "Have you guys seen my Dads?" I asked my two Uncles, who shook their heads, "No, not since last night but I'm sure Yami is showing Yugi his favorite places from when he lived in this time." Uncle Ryou said as I hummed and began eating the food my uncles made, which was some pancakes and eggs.

     The day was going by pretty fast, seeing as I wasn't that busy but currently, I was sitting in the Throne room with Calvin on my right and Jaden on my left in his own throne. Our friends were in the library with Aunt Ishizu and Aunt Mai, waiting for the rest of my family to go and meet them there.

     I heard a groan from my left, turning to my cousin to see he looked bored which made me chuckle at him, "Bored?" I teased as he huffed, "I agree, there's nothing interesting happening." Calvin grunted as he stretched, popping his back and releasing a sigh in satisfaction once we heard the pop. "Jeez guys, don't jinx anything." I joked as they laughed but just then, the Throne room doors were blasted open and three of my guards flew in, beaten and badly injured. I jumped to my feet as well as Calvin and Jaden, running down to check the three guards to see they were still breathing, "Xavier! Get these men to a healer at once!" I shouted as the man nodded and ran to me while motioning for some of his men to pick up the three injured men. "My Pharaoh! We must take you to a safe area immediately!" Xavier demands as the doors on the left side of the Throne room opened and my Dads, Uncles, Aunts, and friends came rushing in but we all froze once I saw a casket that belonged to a past Pharaoh came sliding into the room and stopped a few feet from where I stood while Calvin and Jaden stood at my side.

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