The 'King' Awakens

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Misty's POV:

    Once Kalin and I arrived at the hideout, which was what looked like an abandoned dojo with an entrance to a cave that was hidden behind it, we were instantly met by Goodwin, seeing that he quickly rushed over to me since I was holding the unconscious Y/N in my arms. "Yes! You two did excellent! Come, lay her down over here." Goodwin excitedly said as he pointed to what looked like some kind of hospital Gurnee, raising an eyebrow at him but not questioning him as I did what he said. "Have Greiger and Devack returned with that Carly girl yet?" Kalin asked as he walked over to the dusty black leather couch and hopped onto it, seeing dust fly once his body landed roughly on the old cushions of the seat.

    "No, but they contacted me earlier and told me that they already had her so they should be here soon. They did have to go farther than you two." Goodwin said as he looked over Y/N's body, moving out of his way once he came to stand on the right side of her and looked at her arm, revealing a bright blood like red paw print mark. "Yes! Yes! Hahaha! She's almost ready! We must get Carly here first along with Greiger and Devack in order for her to finally wake up! Sadly, my brother will not make it but six Dark Signers is better then none." Goodwin laughed as I looked at him suspiciously and took a step closer to the unconscious female duelist, almost to protect her from this mad man.

    "I don't know what you mean, Misty and I had to climb a dumb hospital building to grab this chick and climb down that same building while making sure we didn't die or drop her." Kalin explained but it fell on deaf ears as Goodwin seemed more interested in Y/N. "What's so important about her anyways? She's just another Dark Signer, like us. Why does she get special treatment?" Kalin pushed as I rolled my eyes at how pathetic he was being. God, he's annoying.

    I noticed that Goodwin's creepy smile faltered and he stopped looking over Y/N in amazment as he turned to glare at Kalin, his light blue eyes popping out against the black background of his eyes. "She is not just any regular Dark Signer! She is the King!" Goodwin shouted as Kalin and I looked at him like he's crazy, well, more than he is regularly, "How is she the King? One, she's a girl and two, I thought we were trying to release the King to destroy Domino City once we get there?" Kalin asked as I agreed.

    This man really is crazy.

    Goodwin laughed and shook his head, a wide toothy grin on his face as his eyes shrunk, making him look like a mad man even more. "She bears the mark of the true Netherworld King. The monster we will use to destroy Domino City is simply her monster she can control once she reaches her full parental as the Netherworld King or Queen, whichever she chooses." Goodwin continued as I stared from him to Y/N, suddenly feeling something weird inside me as I stared at her. Almost as if I should trust her and protect her but why? I feel like I've known her for years but yet I know I don't…

    Before Kalin could push further, the entrance of the hideout slammed open to reveal Greiger and Devack as they carried in an unconscious Carly. "What happened to her?" I asked as Greiger rolled his eyes, seeing his bright gray eyes pop out in the badly lit room like, "Long story short, she and Atlas had a fight and she ended up dueling against this man named Sayer and she fell off a cliff but we managed to catch her though, the man was looking for a Signer." Devack said as he brought what looked to be another hospital Gurnee over to us while Greiger laid Carly next to Y/N.

    Anger raised within me once I heard that name. Sayer. He was the leader of the group that Akiza was part of back then but something happened and he disappeared while Akiza ran away to the Duel Academy with the other Signers. Though, not before Sayer and Akiza stole my brother from me.

    I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Carly groaning and the mark on her right forearm started to glow a bright orange color before her eyes shot open to reveal gray eyes standing out against the once white but now black part of her eyes. She sat up and groaned again, her hand flying up and gripping her head as she hissed in pain once her hand came into contact with a wound that we probably didn't see. "Where am I at? And who are you-" Carly stopped talking once she looked around and saw all of us, seeing as we were all dressed in similar clothing.

    Dark Signer clothes.

    "So, you're all Dark Signers too? Looks like I didn't have to come find you since you all found me." Carly said though, it didn't sound like her which meant it may have been her Earthbound Immortal talking through her.

    Carly then looked down and saw Y/N unconscious on the hospital gurnee, getting off her own gurnee and walking to Y/N while I watched her closely. "Well? Shouldn't we wake her up already?" She asked, surprising all of us since she seemed to want to get down to business the moment she woke up. Weird.

    I raised an eyebrow and looked at Goodwin to see he was surprised as well but snapped out of his daze before he agreed with her. "Yes, we should get in a circle that surrounds Y/N and all hold hands." Goodwin stated as we did what he said, taking the spot by Y/N's head as Carly stood on my right, grabbing my hand while Kalin stood on my left. On Carly's right stood Greiger and on Kalin's left stood Devack while Goodwin stood by Y/N's feet. Soon, our marks started to glow bright, seeing flash of red come from Y/N's mark which was soon followed by bright red lines that trailed down her face and her arms down to her fingers.

    "Whoa..." I whispered as I watched the marks slightly glow just like her Dark Signer mark but I looked away once I heard a deep sigh fall from Y/N's lips before her eyes opened to reveal bright blood red eyes. She sat up and looked around at all of us, almost as if she was staring into our souls with each glance she took at us. Seeing as she locked eyes with almost every single person, including myself but she seemed to linger a little longer on Carly and I before she stood up and stretched.

    "So, Who's ready to get revenge on the Signers?" She finally said as she turned and smirked at Goodwin, noticing he was smirking as well before the others started to smirk while I chuckled softly but kept my gaze on Y/N, watching as she cross her arms over her chest before she walked over to the entrance of the hideout.

     She turned to look at us with a smirk before she began walking out as we all followed close behind her, Carly and I standing on either side of her as we looked up at the stormy night sky.

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