New Student!

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Jaden's POV

    I was hanging out with Syrus, Alexis, Jesse, and Aster in the main dorm lounge when Chazz came in with a letter addressed to me from my father. How did I know? I saw that signature blue and white 'KC' logo stamped on the envelope. "Hey Slifer Slacker, you got a letter." Chazz said, unamused as he tossed me my letter while taking a seat next to Alexis on the longer couch as I sat up with the letter in my hands, "Also, I saw your crush over by the mail, he was talking to his friends." Chazz added with a smirk as I blushed slightly.

    I knew exactly who he was talking about. Yusei Fudo, a talented Duelist and an even more talented Turbo Duelist. He had a group of friends that was known as 'Team 5D's' which was kinda confusing since there was like, 7 of them.

    What did the 'D' even stand for in that name?

    Anyway, ever since he and his friends joined Duel Academy two years ago and the first time I saw him duel, I have been crushing on him but never made a move because he seemed to be interested in his friend, Akiza Izinski.

    I doubt I'll even have a chance. I don't even know if he likes guys.

    I sighed and shook away the thought as I looked down at the letter my dad had sent me but when I was about to open it, when one of Alexis's friends came into the lounge, squealing like a crazy person, which made me and the others cover our ears in pain.

    "Erika! Why are you squealing for?" Alexis questioned while her friend's smile never faltered, "Didn't you hear?! There's gonna be a new student! It's girl but word is that she is the best Duelist that anyone has seen which is why she's been picked by none other than Seto Kaiba himself, to attend the Academy!" Alexis's friend stated as I became shocked at the news.

    Father hand picked someone to attend the Academy? That's new, he's never done that. Most duelists never, well, impress him so I wonder who it is, maybe the letter says who it is. I tore open the letter and began reading the blue slick handwriting, seeing it started off with him hoping I'm being good and doing well along with him and Dad missing me at home since it's lonely without me bugging them. As I got to the last page, a smile instantly came onto my face as I read the following words in my head;

     "...Now Jaden, as you may have known, there will be a new student attending Duel Academy because I believe this letter will arrive to you by the time the news starts to spread. You should know who this mystery person is because she is very close to you even if it's been two years since you two have seen each other. If you haven't guessed who it is, it just shows that you're just as slow as your other father, Joey.

    Now then, this mystery person is none other then your cousin, Y/N. Your Uncles finally agreed that it was time for her to attend Duel Academy and yes, I 'Hand Picked' her. Anyway, she's going to have her own dorm room which I had talked to the instructors of the Academy to allow you to go and stay in her room if you like since it should be big enough for you both to live in but it is your choice, son. Be good and show Y/N around, I know that you two have some catching up to do.

    Sincerely, your Father

        ~Seto Kaiba."

    No way! Y/NN is coming to Duel Academy! This is the greatest news ever! I jumped from my seat and cheered, earning looks from my friends that but I just smiled at them before running to the room that I shared with Jesse, Syrus, Aster, and Chazz. I instantly went straight to my bed and looking through the drawer of my nightstand until I came across a picture that I had of me and Y/N when we were kids.

    In the picture, we were all dirty and scratched up from playing around outside at Uncle Malik and Uncle Marik's house, having some bandaids on our legs and faces while big smiles were on our lips.

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