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Beginning of Story (3rd Person's POV):

    Little Y/N got out of Yugi's car once her dad parked the car and got out himself. Y/N was around eleven and Yugi was around thirty-two. "Come on, Pops! Mokie is waiting!" Little Y/N said as she grabbed her dad's hand and pointed towards her youngest Uncle, who was standing by the entrance of Kaiba Corp. Mokuba had told both Y/N and Jaden when they were younger to never call him Uncle, because he said it made him feel older than he was, since he was only twenty-seven. Instead, he told them to call him 'Mokie', a nickname that he missed being called and it stuck, both kids grew up calling him just that as they got older.

    "Hey Y/NN, hey Yugi, glad to see you guys. Come on, Seto is waiting in the duel training arena, he actually has a surprise for you, Y/N." Mokuba said once the father and daughter reached him, the little girl was smiling widely as Mokuba guided them to where Seto was at, seeing the CEO was talking to a scientist while they both stood next to something that was covered. "Seto, we're here." Mokuba announced, seeing the older Kaiba turn to see his little brother, friend, and niece walking over to him, "Hi Uncle Seto!" Little Y/N smiled widely as she waved at the taller man, who gave her a small smile. "So Seto, what's today's test?" Yugi asked as he looked at his friend, who he considered his family after so many years of being around one another, "I've actually been working on something recently, a way for people to duel while driving." Seto explained as Yugi gave him a 'Wtf, are you insane?!' Look while Y/N was looking at her Uncle with excitement. "You took my idea?!" The little girl asked as the man smiled and nodded.

    "Yeah, I kind of liked the idea of 'Turbo Dueling' and it sounded interesting so I built on what you told me. And don't worry, Yugi, it's safe. I actually spent the last week making the first prototype Duel Runner." Seto explained as he pulled off the cover of what was next to him to reveal a bike. It resembled a motorcycle but it had a place for your Duel Disk so you wouldn't have to hold it as you drove. Little Y/N stared at the vehicle in awe before pulling away from her Father's grip and going over to where her Uncle stood, "No way! Can I test it out?" Little Y/N asked as her Uncles and Pops chuckled at her excitement before the CEO nodded which caused the little girl to hop onto the bike only to slide off onto the floor on the other side of the bike. This earned laughs from the adults before Mokuba helped up the little girl up while she groaned and shook her head, "Well, that was embarrassing." Y/N mumbled before turning back to the bike and getting on slowly before she kicked up the stand and leaned on one leg as she turned on the bike.

    Once the bike roared to life, Little Y/N jumped and almost slipped which would have made her fall down again but this time, with the bike. She smiled widely as Seto opened what looked like a shutter door to reveal a track, motioning Y/N to drive out which she did, carefully giving the bike some gas as she slowly drove through the door, making her smile once she managed to get onto the track without falling. Though it didn't last long because once she started driving the bike, she began giving it more gas then it needed before she slammed down the brakes which sent her flying out of her seat and right onto the ground a few feet away from where the bike fell at, a big 'OOF!' sound coming from the small girl as she landed roughly on her back which most likely knocked all the air out of her. "You ok, Sweetie?!" Yugi called out from his spot by Seto and Mokuba, who were both next to a scientist that was telling them about how the training track works. Little Y/N groaned out a 'Yeah… I'm fine… Just need a minute or two… Maybe a nap.' Before taking a deep breath and forcing herself up into a sitting position, rubbing her head slightly then getting to her feet.

      She then looked around until her eyes landed on the Duel Runner that she had flown from a few minutes ago but she walked over to it, feeling determined to try again until she got it right.

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