Deals with a Demon

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Author's Note: I remade the picture above but its still the same one how the Dark Signed markings look.


Calvin's POV

   "Shit! Y/N!" I shouted as I ran and slid, catching my best friend in my arms before her head could slam against the ground while the others rushed to my side, "What happened?! Is she ok?!" Jaden asked, seeing as he started to freak out along with the others. "I don't know, she just collapsed. We gotta get her to a hospital, something isn't right." I stated as I scooped up Y/N into my arms as Aster said he would bring his car around the front while the others would go on their Duel Runners.

    I started to panic and ran to the front to wait for Aster, hearing Syrus try to ease my nerves but I was worried for my best friend, I can't lose her. I know I'm being dramatic but I don't know what happened to her and I'm terrified. She was my first real family that I've had and I can't lose her, I just can't.

    After a few seconds, Aster's car pulled up and Syrus quickly opened the back door as I slid Y/N in and over the laps of Jesse and Chazz before I got in after while Syrus climbed into the front seat. "Step on it!" I told Aster as he nodded, going full speed as we saw the others following us on Duel Runners. I noticed that there was a Security Duel Runner driving up until he was next to Yusei and Jaden, both of them exchanging some words before the Security guard drove up and onto Aster's side, motioning him to put down the window. "My name is Trudge! I'm the security here at Duel Academy, I'll get you to the hospital quickly, don't worry." The man, now known as Trudge, said as Aster nodded before Trudge got in front of us and sped up which we did as well, keeping some distance from the man until we finally spotted the hospital.

    Aster quickly parked in front of the hospital as I jumped out and carefully carried Y/N in my arms again before running inside while everyone else followed close behind, seeing Trudge was talking to some doctors while some nurses came over to me with a hospital gurnee. I carefully placed Y/N down on it and moved her bangs from her face before the nurses started to take her away, a male nurse telling me that we all have to stay in the waiting room before assuring us that she'll be ok but I felt numb.

    She was fine and happy only minutes before the duel but after, she completely collapsed. Why?

    "Thanks for the escort, Trudge, it helped us a lot." I heard Yusei say, snapping me out of my thoughts as I turned to see the security guard was still with us. "No problem, Yusei, though you and your group do tend to get on my nerves. I'm glad I was able to help out." He assured as the Black and Yellow haired boy nodded. "So, who wants to make the Death Wish on calling Yugi and Yami?" Chazz said as all of us stiffened.

    Well Shit.


Y/N's POV:

   Darkness, that's all I could see, I could barely even feel a floor beneath my feet. All I remember was winning the duel and then passing out, that's it. "Gods, this is so confusing." I mumbled to myself as I scratched the back of my neck and sighed. The only thing I could do is think but that hasn't really been helpful in my case. Gods, being alone kinda sucks too.

    I crossed my arms over my chest and began looking around, not seeing anything but pure darkness that never ends no matter how far you look. "Ok, this is starting to freak me out now." I sighed as I started to walk, or at least try, it really just felt like I was walking in place but before I could take another step, the darkness lit up as purple like fire surrounded me, stopping me dead in my tracks.

    Wait, this reminds me of the dreams I've been having but I thought that's all they were, dreams.

    "Not this time, Sennen-Muto." That voice! I quickly turned around to be met with a normal sized black wolf instead of the gigantic one I've always seen. "Y-You! What the hell is going on- Did you do this to me?" I asked as I took a step back from the black and red colored wolf as his red eyes watched my every move, the red markings on him glowing a bright blood like red that matched his blood colored eyes.

    "No, I didn't do this to you, Sennen-Muto, but I know who it was but that is not why-" "Who was it?!" I snapped, cutting off the wolf since I rather figure out who put me in some kind of coma like state than listen to this wolf talk nonsense. The wolf sighed and closed his eyes as he sat down, opening his eyes again as he started back into my Y/EC ones, "It was the new professor at Duel Academy. Professor Viper, I believe his name was. He's been draining your energy as you dueled through the bracelets he so kindly gave you and every other student." The wolf explained, sounding bored from having to explain all of this to me.

    "I have to wake up! I have to tell my friends, my family! I have to-" "You can't. That is not your fight to fight. That is your cousin's. You have a bigger role in the fight with us." The wolf interrupted, not having moved from his spot where he sat. "What? The hell do you mean-" "Gods, you humans are so annoying. Must I explain everything to you?" He growled as I quickly shut up and looked at him wide eyed, "You doubt yourself so much yet you don't know what you are capable of." He added before getting up and walking to me while I felt cemented in my spot.

    "You bear my mark, a mark that is very very rare for anyone to ever get. You bear the mark of the Wolf." At first, I didn't know what he was saying until a burning sensation spreaded throughout my right forearm, falling to my knees as I screamed and gripped my arm until I saw it. A bright red mark that resembled a wolf paw.

     The mark of the Wolf.

    Soon after it appeared, I felt a burning sensation all over my body, seeing as marks that resembled the Wolf's marks on his body, appearing on my body, going down my arms, my neck, and most likely my face.

    Soon the burning sensation eased and I was hunched over, panting and wincing in pain but I eventually sat back on my knees and looked up to see the Wolf standing in front of me. He chuckled slightly and continued to stare at me as I got to my feet, "Well well, looks like you are ready to join us." He said as I felt something shift within me, looking down my arms as I stared at the red markings that now claimed my body.

    "Who's 'Us'?" I asked as I crossed my arms and looked down at him, hearing his chuckle ring through my ears again but this time, it didn't shock me or scare me instead, I actually chuckled with him. "We are the Dark Signers and you will help us defeat the pathetic Signers." He explained as I hummed and began chuckling before I started laughing, clenching my fists, feeling a powerful sensation running through me while I calmed down and I smirked down at the wolf.

    "When do we start?"

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