Note Passing to Waste Time

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Y/N's POV:

    After we had gotten some food from the Cafeteria, the others and I were walking to Dr.Crowler's room since it turns out we have all the same classes except for my Turbo class which was their free period. "Hey! Now we have an excuse to go to the Turbo Dueling practice since Y/N's in it. That means ya have a chance to finally talk to Yusei, Jaden." Jesse said as I chuckled and swallowed the food I had in my mouth before I spoke, "The last time Jay talked to some guy he liked, he literally froze up and started making these weird yelping noises that sounded awfully similar to a Kuribo." Sipping my drink as Chazz laughed loudly at my cousin.

    "Hah! I knew you were secretly a Kuribo, Slacker!" He laughed before taking a bite of his breakfast burrito. Earning chuckles from the others while Jaden flipped him off but had a smile on his face. "Plus, from what happened earlier, he seemed to freeze up at the sight of the guy so who knows how that'll go." I added as I took another bite from my breakfast while we continued walking to our beginning class.

    We were all getting along and laughing as we walking into Dr.Crowler's class only to earn a glare from the tall guy. "All of you are late, again. I expect this behavior from Mr.Yuki, Mr.Princeton, and Mr.Truesdale but not from you three." Crowler said as he pointed to Aster, Jesse, and Alexis since they were in Obelisk blue, "And Miss.Sennen-Muto is still new so she doesn't know the ropes yet and I would be very disappointed if you affect her chances of actually passing a test, Mr.Yuki." He added which made me lean over towards Jaden. "Why does he call you by your middle name?" I whispered as he shrugged. "I prefer to be called Yuki, no one knows I'm the famous Seto Kaiba's and Joey Wheeler's son." Jaden whispered back which earned a glare in our direction.

   "Dr.Crowler, I apologize for being late but I had woken up later then I thought and my morning was a little chaotic that I forgot to grab something to eat so Jaden and the others offered to show me the cafeteria so that I wouldn't come to class on an empty stomach." I lied which made my cousin chuckle, "Yeah, she gets extremely pissy if she doesn't eat in the mornings." Jaden whispered which made me stomp on his foot as he almost loudly yelped in pain but managed to catch himself before he could scream. "If you're gonna punish these six then might as well punish me also." I shrugged and looked at the teacher unamused as he stared at me, slightly shocked at my small mood change.

    The teacher grumbled before waving us off, "That will not necessary, just take your seats and don't be late again." Crowler said as I smirked and saw that there were exactly 7 empty seats all next to each other so I nudged my head towards the seats as they all nodded, making our way towards the vacant seats.

    We all took our spots and continued to eat, not really paying attention to what Crowler was saying as we started passing notes to each other to pass some time. We didn't wanna get in more trouble for talking when we shouldn't be but we got called out every now and then because Jaden decided to try to naps. 

    I laid my head against my hand as the note was passed to me, smirking and looking down to see it was in Aster's handwriting this time, 'Why does class have to be so damn boring for?' It read as the others wrote:

'Fuck if I knew.'- Chazz

'How am I supposed to know?'- Jesse

'I just wanna leave already.'- Syrus

'I wanna just hang out and watch movies'- Alexis

'I need longer class naps.'- Jaden

    I chuckled softly and smiled, grabbing my pencil and tapping the eraser end against my chin while I thought about what time write. Soon, an idea popped into my head and I started writing on an empty spot on the piece of paper. 'You guys wanna hang out later in my room? We could watch movies there without others interrupting like some would do in the lounge.' I wrote before sliding it down to Jaden, since he sat next to me. Jay told me about people constantly annoying them when they tried to watch movies in the lounge areas. After a few seconds, the note slid back to me and I opened it to read their replies:

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