First day of Family Week

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Nicknames Used;

×Watashi No Hīrō: My Hero

×Watashi No Ta No Hanbun: My Other Half

×Shujinkaku-Sama: Master Personality (What Yami Marik(Malik) calls Marik)

×Runt: What both Bakura and Malik call Yugi cause he's tiny

×Yadonushi: Landlord (What Bakura calls Ryou)


     After I had beaten Calvin, my family suggested that we should all go grab some lunch, seeing Team 5D's was a little hesitant about coming, "Come on guys, you're coming too." I said as Jaden agreed and grabbed both Yusei's hand and Jack's hand while I grabbed Akiza's hand and Crow's hand before dragging them with me, seeing Carly grab the twins hands and Lyra happily followed us. She heard food and she was already walking towards the long limo that came off of Uncle Seto's boat not to long ago.

     "Ok, are you all ready?" Pops asked as Jaden and I smiled, seeing that it was only him, Team 5D's, Carly, Lyra, Calvin, and I because Jessie, Chazz, Aster, and Syrus went to meet up with their families. "Yeah, we're good to go, Pops." I said as he smiled at me along with dad before they grabbed each other's hands and we all started to follow Uncle Seto.

     We eventually came to the limo, seeing the driver come over and open the door but Jaden and I smiled widely once we saw who the driver was. "Roland!" We shouted as we tackled Uncle Seto's bodyguard into a hug, which he happily accepted our hug while holding his ground so that we wouldn't fall over.

     "Ms.Sennen-Muto and Mr.Kaiba-Wheeler, it is so good to see you two again." He said as we pulled away and looked up at the tall man while he petted our heads, "Look at you two, you have grown so much! I remember I used to drive you two around in your car seats. Hmm, days do fly by pretty fast, it makes me feel so old." He sighed as Jaden and I rolled our eyes. "Now Roland, you're not even that old! You're still super young!" Jaden said as I agreed, seeing him chuckle and open the door for us. "Why, thank you, you two. A day with you always makes me feel young." He stated as my family and friends climbed into the limo before Jaden and I followed close behind.

     Jaden and I were gonna sit with our friends but I felt someone grab my belt and yank me backwards, landing between my two dads while the same happened to Jaden, seeing him land between Uncle Seto and Uncle Joey, spotting Calvin smirking from his spot between Uncle Ryou and Uncle Bakura. "So! How have you guys been? Anything new or exciting happened?" Aunt Téa asked as my eyes grew wide and I looked over at Jaden, seeing him staring at me already before we both looked at Team 5D's to see they were already looking between us, all of us probably thinking the same thing.

     We can not bring up the Shadow Games, no matter what.

     "Hey, what's with the looks? Did something happen?" Mokuba asked as my friends and I snapped out of our eye conversation. "Huh? Oh no, uh nothing new has happened." Jaden lied while twiddling his thumbs, showing that he was hiding something from our family.

     And this is why I could never trust him to lie!

     "Y/N Sennen-Muto, care to explain what is going on here, young lady?" Dad questioned sternly as his Purple-Red eyes stared at me from my left while Pops Purple-Pink eyes started at me from the right, sighing as my shoulders sagged, "Actually, yeah. We didn't wanna tell you guys because we didn't really wanna get teased by you guys." I started as I sighed heavily while my friends looked at me like I was crazy. "Jaden is officially dating Yusei and I actually got to go to my first real dance. I actually had a lot of fun." I lied, blushing which helped make my lie more believable. "Oh Sweetie! That's what you guys were hiding? All you could have done was tell us not to tease you and we would have listened." Pops said as he grabbed my right hand while Dad grabbed my left, "Your father is right, Little one, we would have understood." He added as I smiled, seeing that they were always supportive of me.

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