Plans are Made

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Author's note: The picture of the bike above is a picture of your Dark Signer Duel Runner, just to let you know.


Akiza's POV:

    After a few minutes of coming up with a plan, Seto told Roland to lock Sayer in a room that had no windows so that he wouldn't try to escape and to keep him in there until we reached Domino City. "Once we get there, we'll meet up with one of my guards. His name is Roman Goodwin, he'll take us to Kaiba Corp so that from there I could try to do some facial recognition to see if I could locate Y/N and Carly in the city. If that Sayer guy is right, the battle for the world should start off in Domino City because it's the city that is connected to every place in the world." Seto sighed from his spot, "Until then, get somethin' to eat and get some rest. Especially you six." Joey finished for Seto, all of us nodding as we all left the meeting room as us, kids, went to the kitchen part of the ship to get some food.

    Once we got there, we all made ourselves food, eating in silence as we thought of everything that we had to face soon before we all decided to call it a night and go to the rooms we picked, hearing Seto telling the captain to start heading off now. I sighed and walked down the hallway to my room, passing the room that had Sayer locked up in while Yaki, another one of Seto's guards, stood guard of the room. He gave me a small nod which I returned before continuing my journey to my room.

    Once I finally reached it, I took off my boots and changed into some pajamas before going and laying down onto the bed, pulling the covers over myself as I looked out the window to see the many stars that covered the night sky. 'Y/N loved the night sky, she could go on forever about how much she loved it and the stars.' I thought, 'Don't worry, we're going to come for you…' I sighed as I got comfortable and let sleep finally overcome me as I thought of the girl that had stolen my heart since the day we crashed into each other in the halls of the Duel Academy.



    "So, you're saying that we have been around these Signers and we never knew?" I asked as Goodwin nodded, a sigh leaving my lips before I pinched the bridge of my nose but relaxed soon after. "That's ok because we still have your brother, Roman was it? He bears the mark of the Spider, correct?" I took a seat at the head of the table as the gray haired man nodded and sat up straight."Yes, my King, my older brother. He wasn't there when we awakened you because he was busy getting information about these Signers as well as requiring us some new Duel Runners for our upcoming fights against the Signers." Goodwin explained as I hummed and drummed my fingers against the table, waiting for him to continue, "He will also be informing us when Seto Kaiba and everyone else, including the Signers, will be landing in Domino City. There is a spot that we will be meeting them at to start the war as well as getting our new Duel Runners before we go to our new hideout that Roman managed to find." He finished as I nodded, leaning back in my seat as I ran my left hand through my Y/HL Y/HC hair.

    "We will meet them at that location but after, I would like to lead them here. There's no doubt this Sayer man has already informed the Signers about our battle which means that they will most likely be ready for us but I don't think they would be expecting us to lead them to the abandoned Arcadia Building which is where Carly will get her revenge on Sayer as well as Misty getting her revenge on Akiza. The rest of you, your jobs will be to distract the other Signers until Carly and Misty are done with their battles. Duel them if you must but keep them busy." I announced before I got to my feet and pushed my chair in. "Now, Goodwin, where will we be meeting your brother at?" I questioned as we all left the warehouse, climbing into the helicopter that Roman left for us to use not too long ago, seeing as Devack climbed into the driver's seat, Greiger sat in the front next to him while the rest of us sat in the back.

    "We will be meeting him somewhere in the abandoned part of the city that's a few minutes away from here then, we will have them chase us to the Arcadia building. There's no doubt that they have Sayer with them so Carly will be able to get her revenge as well as Misty." Goodwin smiled while I simply nodded, agreeing with the plan.

    After a few minutes, we reached a deserted part of the city that was covered in dirt while the buildings looked like they were about to fall at any given second. "There. There is Roman." Goodwin called out as he pointed towards the ground, looking out the window to see a man with what looked to be a movers truck. "Take us down, Devack." I said as he nodded a 'Yes, My King.' Leaving his lips as he did what he was told until we landed safely on the ground.

    Once Devack cut the engine, we all got out of the helicopter and looked around the area. The ground was completely covered in dirt and dust while the buildings looked like they would crumble at the slightest touch given to them. Before I could look around even more, I was snapped out of my own world once I heard someone coming towards me, turning to see Roman there as he bowed towards me, "It is good to see you again, my King. I have brought the new Duel Runners with me, they are in the truck and I brought you a special designed one." Roman said as I looked at him with an eyebrow raised but nodded to what he told me. He then led me towards the truck where Greiger, Devack, and Goodwin were taking down the Duel Runners while Carly, Misty, and Kalin moved them away until all eight Duel Runners were off of the truck.

    After Roman told all of us which Duel Runner belongs to who, he eventually brought us together to tell us what's to come next. "Soon, Seto Kaiba and the rest of them along with the Signers will be arriving soon. I was sent to pick them all up from the docks to drive them to Kaiba Corp but instead, I will drive them here. This is where everything will begin, right my King?" Roman questioned, looking towards me as he said the plan we came up with earlier that day. Goodwin must have explained everything to him already. I sent him a nod from my spot next to my Duel Runner, seeing a joyful smirk come onto his face almost as if he's patting himself on the back for getting the plan right.

    We soon heard a *Ding* noise, looking at Roman as he pulled his phone from his pocket and looked down at the screen to see the notification, a mischievous smirk coming to his face as his eyes looked from the screen towards me. "They will be arriving soon. I must go to pick them up as well as to disguise myself. I will see you soon, My King." Roman said as he bid us goodbye before leaving in the movers truck back towards Domino.

    I stood there, watching the truck get smaller as it drove off, dust trailing behind it as a smirk tugged on to my lips before a chuckle followed soon after.

     Oh, this is going to be interesting.

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