The Terror begins

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Akiza's POV:

     "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE CALL US WHEN SHE COLLAPSED?!" Was the first thing we heard when the entrance of the hospital burst open to reveal Yugi and Yami running in as Seto and the others trailed behind the worried fathers. "We freaked out and rushed her here, I don't think calling you guys crossed our minds until we got her here." Chazz said which we all agreed to because it's true, we all freaked out once she almost hit the floor. I'm still a little deaf from my left ear when Jaden screamed so loud it sounded like an ambulance siren. "Relax, Yugi, I'm sure she's ok." Yami tried to calm down his husband but he was freaking out himself, "Anythin' from the doctors yet?" Joey asked as I shook my head and sighed, "No, not since they took her back there to see what happened. They hadn't come out to tell us anything either." I explained as I nervously rubbed my arm and looked down at my feet.

     "Don't worry, Kiza, she'll be ok. She's strong as hell." Calvin said as he patted my arm but it felt like he was trying to convince himself more than he did to try to convince me. I sighed and nodded, looking at the double doors that the nurses had taken Y/N, feeling my heart ache at the thought of something being wrong with her.

     After an hour or so, the doctor that Trudge talked to when we first got here came over to us and we all stood up, seeing as we all decided to sit down earlier because we didn't know how long we were going to be waiting for. "For Y/N Sennen-Muto?" The doctor asked, seeing her eyes widen once she saw how many of us were there waiting for news on Y/N. "What's wrong with my daughter, Doctor?" Yugi asked, seeing him clutching onto Yami's hand as the two waited for the female doctor to answer.

     "We ran scans on her and everything, we even did some blood tests as well and everything came back normal." The doctor said as we all released a breath we were holding in, "I'm sensing a 'But' somewhere, Doctor." Jack stated as he looked at her, seeing her look at her clipboard and flip through some papers she had. "You're right, Jack." The doctor took a deep breath and sighed before she continued. "It's because everything came back normal that we couldn't find a reason as to why she fainted." The doctor added, while I eyed her for a few seconds as to how she knew Jack until I remembered something.

     She's the doctor that took care of him and Crow once they broke their bunk beds and Yusei rushed them here to get stitches. That's why she looked familiar.

     "And now I'm sensing another 'But', coming along, Doctor Ellie." Yusei said, seeing as he crossed his arms over his chest as we all looked at the doctor who nodded and sighed. "Because we don't know how she fainted, we don't know when she'll wake up." Doctor Ellie said as my heart dropped at her words.

     "Wait, are you saying-"

     "Yes, Akiza. Y/N is in a coma."

Misty's POV

     Kalin and I were waiting for the sky to darken before we headed out to get Y/N, I was there when she collapsed so now all we have to do is kidnap her and take her to the hideout to wait for the other two to bring Carly. "So what's so important about this Y/N girl? Why do we absolutely have to get her? What role does she play in all of this?" Kalin asked as he leaned against the wall of the abandoned building we were hiding in. "How am I supposed to know? You think Goodwin tells us anything? He just said that she's a Dark Signer like us, that's it along with that Carly girl that's always around Jack Atlas." I sighed as Kalin growled at the mention of one of the people that betrayed him all those years ago.

     Kalin became a Dark Signer so that he could get revenge on Jack, Crow, and Yusei for betraying him years ago while I'm here to get revenge on little Miss.Perfect, Akiza Izinski. I guess you could say that the Signer's past is coming back to bite them in the ass.

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