A Duel for the Truth

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Y/N's POV:

    We all drew our starting hand, looking down at my own hand to see I had drawn 'Corrupted Rules'(CIMU), 'Call if the Dark Warriors'(CIMU), 'Demon Leader'(CIMU) (ATK:400; DEF:2300), and 'The Unknown Archer' (CIMU) (ATK:2500; DEF:1200). Not bad for a starting hand, in my opinion.

    "I'm going to enjoy sending you to the Netherworld. Let's do this and since this is the Hall Of Mirrors, I think I'll play the 'Mirror Labyrinth' Field Spell." Misty announced as our mirrors and the mirrors around us began to look like they were crystalized because of the Spell card she used. "And with that activated, I think it's time to reminisce. Let's start by opening up to the first chapter of my sad story. 'Sorrowful Memories'!" Misty announced as the field changed to reveal some kind of fancy room.

    No doubt, this used to be Misty's old room from back then.

    "W-What? Hey, how did you-" Akiza was cut off by a voice from Misty's memory, turning to see Toby, Misty's brother, running into the room and straight towards the Past Misty. The two interacted for a bit, seeing Akiza look at the scene shocked once past Toby brought her name up about seeing her Duel earlier that day. "With 'Sorrowful Memories' in play, if either one of us draws a 'Monster' card during our draw phase, You have to return the card to our deck and reshuffle the whole thing." Misty explained as the Scene went back to Hall of Mirrors, "In other words, one third of our decks have been sealed away like a bad memory." Misty added as I looked down at my own hand.

    Tsk, damn it Misty.

    "What about the cards we already have in our hands? Do we keep those?" Yugi asked as Misty smiled at him, "Yes we do but by summoning 'Reptilianne Servant' (ATK:100; DEF:100) in attack mode, some of them are rendered useless." Seeing a black snake-like monster with pinkish markings appear onto the field. Great, even more of a struggle but I trust Misty so I believe she has a plan as to why she's locking away our decks. "You see, as long as 'Reptilianne Servant' is around. Neither one of us can summon a monster to our fields. Are you feeling helpless yet? Well welcome to my world," Misty finished as I looked down at my hand, seeing I could only Special summon my 'Unknown Archer' by paying nine hundred life points and it gets an extra attack by doing so and it can't be targeted by monster effects. Though, do I really want to take that chance?

    "Glad to be here!" Yugi said as he drew a card, looking at the card with a small frown, "A monster card." He added as Misty smiled down at him, "Well that's too bad. You have to tuck that little guy back into your deck and then shuffle up and forget about it." Misty mocked Yugi while I watched with a straight face, feeling my Dad's eyes staring at me so I turned to meet his eyes, noticing he was looking at me with worry as I looked away from the man and focused back on the duel. "Guess I'll end my turn and place one card face down." Yugi announced as I smirked.

    It's my turn now.

    "It's my turn, I draw." I said as I calmly drew a card, looking at it to see I drew my spell card 'Shard of Greed'. 'Maybe I won't summon any monsters just yet, I want to see what Misty has up her sleeve first.' I thought as I grabbed my new spell card and activated it, "I activate my spell card, 'Shard of Greed'. During each of my standby phases for the next two turns, this card gains two 'Greed Counters' and during my second standby after I activated this card, I could send it to the graveyard and draw two cards. With that, I'll end my- Wait, what?" I said as I saw the scene change around me, snapping my eyes over to Misty to see that spell card she used for her own memories also counts for me.

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